Archive for the ‘Art’ Category.

Digg SWARM, Man

There’s Digg article about SWARM. Digg us if you like it.

Geeks Build Autonomous Swarming Orbs Covered with Steel Blades

You don’t want to run into ten of these in a dark alley. A bunch of geeks are building “art” consisting of plasma-cut steel blades wrapped around a spherical autonomous robot. Think “blades of a hand-push lawn mower, shaped into a giant hamster ball of doom”. Scroll down for videos. It’s open source so build your own!

Today’s Quote from Charlotte

Lee: What are you doing?

Charlotte: I’m gilding the grass!


Sanchez Art Center FLG Show

Sanchez Art Center Arts on FireCharlotte, Karen, Aerin, Marlise, Baba, Jess and I took 2 feathers from the pieces of the Angel of the Apocalypse to the opening of “Arts on Fire”, a show at the Sanchez Art Center in Pacifica.

We had a blast. It was a kid-friendly event and the Angel proved to be very kid friendly. As we were getting ready, the kids lined up, gazing at the flaming feathers. They screamed every time someone shot it off. After 3 hours, their screams were pretty half-hearted ;-)


FLG and SWARM progress

I posted this to the FLG Lipstick list today :-)

First some good news:
SWARM, an offshoot project of FLG is a funded project for Burning Man 2007. The project is coming along very nicely.


Terrific news:
The Serpent Mother will be going to the Fire Arts Festival in Oakland in July!


Super amazing terrific news!
The Serpent Mother will be travelling across two oceans to Robodock in September !!!


Read more on our blog

I’m thinking of volunteering to go to Robodock.


I just set up a blog for the project I’ve been pouring my summer into. Check out the blog.

(yes, that’s a recently finished prototype orb drinking a beer)


Ocean Beach Fire Pits

Last night I went to the opening of the Ocean Beach Fire Pits. Rbca and Yasi’s fire pit was ready and burning. There was another one there as well. :-) This is a huge thing. Public, utilitarian, (mostly privately) funded art made by my friends :-)

Sorry I don’t have photos but here’s some extra info…

Ocean Beach Fire Pits – Burners without Borders

Last year, the National Park Service almost banned fires on Ocean Beach in San Francisco, due to consistent problems with trash and debris. Since then they have received thousands of letter and are considering designs for permanent fire pits to be installed April 14.

But just making the designs isn’t enough–we need your help! Namely, we need to raise money to pay for this art. Although the Park Service could only offer $3,000 for the project, we’ve already been able to raise $27,000 of the $42,000 needed.

What you can do: check out these designs, and then go to our donate page and make a contribution. You can contribute directly to BWB via PayPal

Continue reading ‘Ocean Beach Fire Pits’ »

FLG made the cover of Leonardo

Leonardo is the Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology. It is put out by MIT Press. It isn’t the largest publication, but it is fairly prestigious.

The Serpent Mother is going to be on the cover of Volume 40, Number 4, due out in August, 2007.


Download large version of this image

Read some previous articles in Leonardo about Burning Man.

Zowie They’re Cool: List of Funded Art For Burning Man 2007

This in from BMORG. Every one of these projects is worthy of appreciation.

We’ve just completed our biggest and most challenging grant cycle yet, with 240 proposals to review, up from 170 last year – a 35% increase.
The competition was intense, and our community has generated more intriguing projects than ever before.

We’ve awarded 30 grants for playa installations. We thank everyone for your interesting ideas, your creativity and your energy – and we look forward to another year of amazing art on the playa. Grant committee members are: Larry Harvey, LadyBee, Crimson Rose, Beth “Bettie June”
Scarborough, and Mark Van Proyen.

Please note that additional grants are being given for projects in the Pavilion and the ManGrove that surrounds the Man, and those will be announced in the near future.

The funded projects are:

Acavallo: Quill Hyde of Brooklyn, NY
Note: Acavallo is a mobile venue for acoustic music and performance on the playa. If you want to perform, please contact Quill via his website.

Ant Mischief by Ben Shearn and Tim Kirwan of Colorado Springs, CO

Apocalypse Stagecoach by the Ren Jinn Bao Puppet Theater of Thailand, Mexico, Indonesia, Taiwan and the Bay Area

Big Rig Jig by Mike Ross of Brooklyn, NY

Black Rock Glacier by Ehron Asher of Centennial, Colorado

Burninator X by Bill Codding of San Francisco, CA

Celtic Forest by Laura Kimpton, Bob Hofmann and Jeff Schomberg, Bay Area

Cone by Hans Sachs and Manuel Kretzer of Karlsruhe,Germany
Note: These German architecture students are looking for a few American crew members. Please contact them via their website.

Cornucopic Contraptions by Charlie Smith and Jaime Ladet of Atlanta, GA

Crude Awakening by Dan Das Mann, Karen Cusolito, Black Rock FX, Mark Perez, Pyrokinetics, Nate Smith and MonkeyBoy, Bay Area

Cubatron Cone by Mark Lottor of Menlo Park, CA

Dragon Smelter by Dan Macciarini of San Francisco, CA The Dragon will again turn aluminum cans into art:

Green Glass Man by Rodman Miller and Gina Karaba of Seattle, WA

Green Shoes by Dadoc of Oakland, CA

Guardian of Eden by Kate Raudenbush of New York, NY click on New: Guardian of Eden

Fata Morgana by Orion Fredericks of Oakland, CA

Homouroboros by Peter Hudson of San Francisco, CA
(NOTE: link is direct to a PDF download. While he did receive a grant, Peter still seeks help to complete the project – check out the PDF or contact peter isat

Kinetic Steam Works by KSW of Oakland, CA

Koilos by Michael Christian of Berkeley, CA

Mechabolic: Cyborg Speculations in Machine Metabolism by Jim Mason, Chicken John, Dann Davis and Michael Christian

Museum de Materiel Retrouve by Trieops Treyfid of Los Angeles, CA

NeverWas Haul by Shannon O’Hare and Kathy Tucker of Orinda, CA

Samhein: Into Her Dreaming by Paul Bagley of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Steampunk TreeHouse by Sean Orlando of Oakland, CA

Swarm by Michael Prados of San Francisco, CA

Tall Grass by Glenn Easley of Vashon, Washington

Tasseograph: The Trash TeaHouse Temple by Shrine and TukTuk of Pasadena CA and Portland, Oregon

Temple of Forgiveness by David Best & Tim Dawson, Petaluma and Stinson Beach, CA

U-ME by Rex Norman and Damian Janssen of Carson City and Sparks, Nevada

FLG Resume and Press Pack

Has pretty pictures of what FLG has worked on :-)

View the FLG Press Pack

Orbswarm is a funded project for Burning Man!

We got the news today from Ladybee at Burning Man HQ. Yowie zowie, now we’ve got to build the crazy things!!!

Check it out. We’re going to make these: