The Hampster Dance
Several years ago I ripped the original homepage from It’s just a joy that every few months I get a thankful email from someone. Here’s the one I got today:
Hi Lee-
I just wanted to thank you for preserving the original hamsterdance so faithfully. I click on it whenever I need to smile!
Get some old-school internet joy right here.
(The sound might play automatically in your browser, or not. There is a link to the music at the bottom. Hey, it’s a faithful rip of the original site!)
The link has 404’d now :( can we get it back again please? <3
Sorry to see the link for the Hamster dance not working… :(
Thanks for asking me to fix it! It’s back up!
Hey, it’s still 404’d for me
Thanks… The link had broken again and it’s fixed again!
The link’s down again : 404
Big hug for another fix
Fixed! (once again, my apologies!)