My credit score is excellent, something above 760. I make sure to keep it that way by getting lots of credit, not using most of it and paying them off in full every single month. The travel offers on the credit cards I get are quite substantial. Just on Wednesday I got back from a trip to see my family, San Francisco to Florida, paid for with credit card airline miles. And today I got a new credit card that will give me 50,000 Continental airline miles after my first purchase. That’ll make a nice trip :-)
Here’s what’s in my wallet right now: AT&T Universal Savings Rewards Mastercard – 5% cash back on up to whatever my AT&T bill is each month, about $150
Chase Business Ink – 3% cash back on gas, restaurants & home improvement
Chase ATM card – never pay for anything with a debit card. Never.
Continental Airlines Onepass Mastercard – 50,000 airline miles after the first purchase. Sign up here! 1 free checked bag, 1 mile earned per dollar spent (approx 0.8% cash back if you fly non-peak)
Gap Visa – make a purchase and get $20 free money (when I went shopping at Gap a while back, they gave me 40% off for signing up for this card)
If I could just pay off my credit cards WITH my credit cards.
Time Sunday, May 15 · 3:00pm – 10:00pm
Location 8410 Amelia Street Oakland CA 94621
Created By NIMBY
More Info
NIMBY would like to ring in the new build season and thank all of our supporters for their undying support.
Sunday May 15, 2011
Come on down and see what you have helped create. Check out the new space, see what’s new. Hear some music and meet some friends. We will fire up the grills and sling some meats and what nots. If you would like to bring some food, play some music or help out let us know. Your participation always makes a better event.
This is an event for those that have helped NIMBY out in the past and present. Because so many people have helped in so many different ways. No one email list can cover everyone. Please forward this to anyone that you think needs an invite and we will do the same.
Please RSVP to
I’ve never been much of a wine drinker. I always get a headache before the glass is empty.
I like riesling, my home made (hooch-like) mead, chianti and now….. retsina.
Call me a sweet tooth. Done. Call me pedestrian. Done! But what matters is what I like.
The retsina discovery came when I went to Carmel a few weeks ago with Binka’s relatives, Senta and her mom. We had dinner at Dametra Cafe in Carmel. They have, by the way, the best moussaka ever. And Senta’s recommandation of retsina was perfect!
A lot of things struck me when I saw this scene last week:
Why has it taken 1.5 years to redo a 3 block length of roadway, all the while stealing parking spaces, rerouting traffic and somewhat blighting the neighborhood, traffic cones keeping people off the road and sidewalk.
What actually needed to get done that took all that time and money? I now see a slightly wider sidewalk (ripping up a perfectly fine one), a raised road divider, some bump-outs for traffic calming stealing a few parking spaces but helping pedestrians cross the road (I have never seen a car race down this road, traffic calming wasn’t needed), a new roadbed (the old roadbed looked fine), a few mounting holes for large something-or-anothers (look in the middle of the picture, I dunno what they are for), and some new pretty street lighting (the old lighting seemed reasonably ok when they kept bulbs in them).
Divisions between the concrete “panels” in sidewalks are all artificial, carved after the whole sidewalk is poured. So why do cracks tend to stop at the panel edges? That’s totally freaky!
Sidewalk finishing is an art. With just sticks and sheets of metal, they make the surface exactly the way they wanted it to be.
Ugh, I haven’t been able to speak in a normal voice since Friday afternoon! Friday evening my voice got hoarse. I figured it was from teaching all week and maybe a bug. Daniel Bauen, my friend from Colossus came through town so I talked to him with my froggy voice. I really shouldn’t have. It hurt my throat to speak every time. Saturday morning I had no voice. I could whisper quietly but even that hurt a little so I generally refrained. On Sunday morning I was having a whispered conversation with Daniel in the kitchen. At one point he turned on the tap to get some water and I was unable to speak over the sound of running water, ugh.
Here we are Monday and I’m coughing up more phlem than ever and I still feel kinda sick. Not really sick but certainly under the weather. And I still can’t speak.