Archive for 2006

Superman Returns Sucked

3 out of 10
“All special effects, take out the special.”

Thin story. Poor continuity. Poor plot. Cardboard characters. Pretty, if overused iconography of Super floating in space and close-ups of the suit. If you saw the original Superman and the trailer for Superman Returns, then you’ve seen 90% of the movie.

Here, let me fix that: Lex steals Super’s Fortress of Solitude crystals and tries to build a continent off the coast of New Jersey. Super stops him. Lois and Super had a baby who would have powers if the writers would only remember he’s not a cardboard cutout.

There, that’s about 99%. If you think the last 1% is worth 3 hrs and $10, then by all means, go for it.

If you had the misfortune of seeing it, them let me commiserate with you:
What the frig was it with the giant globe on top of the Daily Planet Building? I think that maybe they paid so much for the set that they felt like they had to get their money’s worth. The frigging ball gets more screen time than Jimmy Olsen! Seriously.

Lois and Super had sex once and had a boy (reminds me of the Protestants in Monty Python’s “The Meaning of Life”). The kid is immune to Kryptonite and has powers but the writers keep forgetting to have him use them… either that or Lois is a frigging idiot. (notice the prolific use of the prefix “frig-” in my review. It was well deserved). At the end, everything is left up in the air. Lex is stranded on an island, his st00pid evil plan thwarted. Super and Lois might start dating, or Lois might date both Super and Dick (maybe Dick is bi. That’d be progressive). The kid’s powers are completely ignored (unless killing a bad guy by throwing a piano at him is one of those freak things that normal 6 year olds sometimes do). Super’s Fortress of Solitude crystals might be lost… or not. All this in 2hrs and 37 droll minutes.

The special effects are pretty good. I think maybe I would have enjoyed watching it better had it been in German.

Kevin Spacey would have been a great Lex Luthor, if they hadn’t given him shit to work with.

Oh and I saw it in IMAX. That was kinda cool.

Zombo / Obmoz . com



Today’s Quote: Han Solo on religion

“Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.”
– Han Solo, outspoken skeptic of the Force

Free phone calls


Landline phone calls between members are free. Jajah accounts are free.

From their website, you type in the two phone numbers that you want connected. The first phone one rings and you pick up. The second phone rings and they pick up. The call connected 2 wired landline (or cell) phones over their VOIP network.

And Plaxo ties it to MS Outlook so I can click a button next to a phone number and it all magically works.

This outdoes Skype’s “call any wired or cell phone in the US from your computer for free”.

So somebody call me so we can try it already.

Low Key Peep Flambe Camp Update

600 Peeps: check

5 mini blow torches: check

144 skewers: check

Inflatable Peep mascot: check

Sanity: n/a

Update 10-3-06:

recent changes to GMaps Directions printing is bad

I wrote my first letter to Google with a suggestion. It’s interesting to note that this is the first time I can recall a change to the Google system being what I consider a step backward. Not a bad track record

Subject: recent changes to GMaps Directions printing is bad

I very much dislike the new way that GMaps Directions print out. The new Google Map printing system was installed in the last few days before July 25th, 2006

It is very important to me that I see the entire local area of my destination. With the new system, I can’t see it.

It’s important because:

– GMaps are occationally hard to follow in the final few turns of a map
– I want to see cross streets so I know when I am close
– I want to see the local area so the map is useful if someone asks me to “go around the corner” from my stated destination.

Please put the ability to have large maps back into the printing feature of Google Maps.

Thank you,

Lee Sonko

Porn Palace Throws the best parties

As party pads go, it is fantastic. Rivaling the atmosphere of New York’s Pandora’s Box except they also had laser shows, a big screen movie, free (donations accepted) drinks, 2 incredible DJ stations spinning great beats, a kissing booth run by a friend, and a real barn in the heart of San Francisco. Last night (well, I left at 4:30am…) they had their Fandango camp benefit.

The theme was “cops and robbers”. Since I never wear my business suit in SF, I put it on and printed up cards

The Law Firm of Dewey, Cheetem and Howe
Corporate Law, Ambulance Chasing, Car Repair
Huey Dewey – Senior Partner
Lee at lee dat org

Except for the guy at 4am that kept asking me if I was a real lawyer (and he was serious), it went over smashingly.

Thanks for inviting me Jordana! Thanks for the great conversation Julie and Flare!

Decoder Ring Theatre

Decoder Ring Theatre has a couple audio podcast series that I have just fallen in love with.

The Red Panda and Jack Black Justice!!

I gave them a $10 donation on their website…. and it only cost me $9.01 US. Oh, those wacky Canadians!

Pirate Radio

A local pirate radio station just put a call out for help. I love stuff like this…

Pirate Cat was down a good part of last week and we are looking for generous souls who would be willing to donate some bandwidth to mirror the Pirate Cat Radio Streams. Now you don’t have to mirror all 3000 streams, but maybe 15 streams at 96k.

Second, Pirate Cat needs a new home for it’s antenna STAT! High elevation in San Francisco is of prime concern, and of course access to the roof of your building. PCR is willing to cover $30 /month of your Internet access or install DSL if you don’t already have it at your home. Antenna is only about 3 ft high and some auxiliary equipment, it will be a really low profile setup, you landlord will think it’s for TV.

…and you should have a strong door so you can’t hear the FCC Police (who knock harder then the Postal Police) at your door.

Ha! I’d consider but my DSL is tapped out (I’m such a geek) and I don’t live on a hill.

SF Makes me sad

Sad because there is more cool stuff to do here than I could possibly do.
I’m “stuck” building a 170′ interactive flaming animatronic serpent when I could be…

hiking, going to theater events, training for cabaret, doing pirate radio, doing sticker art for the Serpent Mom, making “Iron Chef” style movies at the Zeitgeist, going to FLG parties, blogging, flying model airplanes, seeing Emperor Norton again, answering casting calls at the Dark Room, enjoying intimate music and art, ZeroOne San Jose “A Global Festival of Art on the Edge & the Thirteenth International Symposium of Electronic Art”, Some Assembly Required events, several cool Laughing Squid events, several Dorkbot events …

And almost all of the events mentioned are happening THIS WEEK!