
Results for swarm

Check it out: GPS Orb Tracks On The Playa

GPS Orb Tracks On The Playa I would love to have gone to the playa to do the orb test!

TIG Welding

We bought a TIG welder (a Lincoln Electric Precision TIG 225 with foot pedal and cart) so we can weld together the orbs for SWARM. I played with it yesterday with Michael and weeee!

Been Dancing

This week is Bay Area Dance Week. Lots of free dancing. Charlotte and I went contra dancing Saturday (my muscles are still gloriously sore) (Saturday morning I went to the yearly SF NERT drill) Intimate Embrace Tango Sunday Temple of Poi spinning instruction Monday night (I loved it… very centering… with the possibility of dangerous […]

Zowie They’re Cool: List of Funded Art For Burning Man 2007

This in from BMORG. Every one of these projects is worthy of appreciation. We’ve just completed our biggest and most challenging grant cycle yet, with 240 proposals to review, up from 170 last year – a 35% increase. The competition was intense, and our community has generated more intriguing projects than ever before. We’ve awarded […]

The Artist Presently Known as Lee

Michael Prados, Jonathan Foote and I met with LadyBee and Crimson Rose of Burning Man today. Look what we signed :-) SWARM is a funded art project and I am named as the artist because I’m the money guy.


Friday: Went for a run with Charlotte… which turned into a walk and mural tour of the Mission. Went to Instructables Show and Tell. Met a guy and woman from Ames NASA,the head of a super secret company, the heads of, some Make Magazine people, a woman that made a used-jeans quilt, a woman […]

Installed FLV Embed Plugin

I can now inundate you with sounds and videos from my vast repertoire thanks to the FLV Embed plugin. I found that WP-FLV had trouble when you’d try to edit an existing post with an flv in it. It would lose the tag due to an incompatibility between the flv tag and the graphical input […]

Looking for interferometer for location detection

I’m still working on this a project where I want to find and continue to know the location of 10 robots moving up to 10kph in a field about 100 yards square with 0.2-1.0 meter accuracy. RFID-Radar is -almost- a solution in a box except that it takes many seconds for it to do range-finding. […]

Robot Reckoning Question

Dear Lazyweb, I’m working on an project where we will have 5-10 robots moving around a large field… 100-1,000 yards. Right now we’re planning on using a mix of differential GPS, accelerometers and and a kalman filter so the robots can determine their position to within 1 meter or less. This may or may not […]


I have been starting a business with my girlfriend, Charlotte. We are tentatively calling it Safe and Secure. It is an earthquake preparedness business where we go to people’s homes and institutions and ready them for the kinds of earthquakes that we inevitably have here in northern California. It’s turning out to be quite interesting […]