
Results for swarm

Flaming Lotus Girls Gallery Show

For my friends, here’s the short form: We’re having a big event at the SOMArts gallery in San Francisco on Friday November 30th from 7pm-1am. We’re setting up at least 1/2 of the Angel of the Apocalypse in the large interior space (the whole thing won’t fit!). SWARM is bringing several robots to entertain people. […]

What I’m reading

Action Figure Graveyard Simulated Comic Product JWZ Blog TJIC Blog SWARM blog and now Stick Figures in Peril  

Notes on using a gas lens on our TIG welder

SWARM used a TIG welder to weld the aluminum orbs together. I took some notes about it… We went through our first bottle of argon on the TIG welder alarmingly quickly. A bottle costs about $80 and a trip to Praxair to refill. Here are some tips that will let us use the gas much […]

How to Remove Playa Dust From Electronics

Someone asked me… here’s my response Really quite simple… To remove playa dust from our electronic gear (, we used an air compressor at 90psi with a blower attachment to get the most of it off. Then a dust-pan broom… and for a little touch-up, a toothbrush. That got just about everything off. For the […]

Orbs on the playa

Photo from SWARMie Simone Gal Friday. AKA Valleywagprime :-) Find more pix and SWARM in the media

I’m off to Burning Man

Here’s what I’m bringing: SWARM.   Video of same. EOM

We’re on TV!!

We’ve had a few TV mentions of late :-) Most notably, there’s a piece on Current.TV and this piece on the local news :-) Get the latest Flash Player to see this player. [Javascript required to view Flash movie, please turn it on and refresh this page] Richard Hart and his camera man came […]

Off to Burning Man

I’ll be on my way to Burning Man on August 22nd or 23rd. I’ll be in the desert on August 23rd or 24th.   I’ll be leaving on Monday Sept 3rd or Tuesday the 4th.   Back in San Francisco by the 5th for sure. If you need to reach me in a dire emergency, […]

Ill Vill

Though I’m not camping with Illumination Village at Burning Man this year, I am good friends with many people in the camp. Reading this internal announcement, I thought “Wow, that’s pretty cool.”

How to stop mediawiki spam

We started getting spam on a Mediawiki based project I belong to, SWARM. I installed the ConfirmEdit extension and haven’t had another spam yet. Wiki first launched March 2007. First spam May 2007. Last Spam… that same day. :-) Update 4-4-08: eventually, I started getting spam through this. So I had to lock down the […]