
Results for Burning Man

What is Burning Man?

Imagine every holiday you’ve ever experienced, every amusement park and every monument you’ve ever seen, all rolled up into one experience. No, I’m serious. Mention any of those things and I’ll have a response. TJIC said, “The Washington Monument.” Someone told me a story. I think this took place in 2003. A man tried an […]

Burning Man Flight Reservation

My reservation is booked, flying Continental Airlines (all times local) CO5653 leaving Newark at 6:05am, Aug 28th for Detroit (DTW) CO6639 leaving Detroit at 9:00am arriving Reno 10:32am CO6510 leaving Reno (RNO) at 12:10pm, Sept 8th for Minneapolis (MSP) CO5208 leaving Minneapolis at 6:53pm arriving Newark 10:33pm

Burning Man Art

I’ve been talking about lighting the Projeti for Burning Man in my regular journal. I found a bunch of sources for wire. Well, I found the source I’m going to use: This from the Coolneon gallery:

Burning Man Polls

From Burning Man Polls (I’d better practice my DanceDanceRevolution for endurance ;-) ) Trance music on the playa: what’s your take? I go to those camps once in a while 37.9% BEATS BEATS BEATS! I dance 24-7! 34.2% Ugh! Makes me wish I had no ears 14.6% Don’t like it, but don’t hate it either […]

Burning Man

It’s decided. I’m going.

Burning Man Tickets

I just bought 2 tickets to Burning Man at $175 apiece. Last year I was lucky enough to get a “Low Income” ticket (embarrassing as it is to request such a thing, it really helped a lot to get the break). This year, I paid more and… hmm…. I don’t know who the other ticket […]

Burning Man

Every year around this time I become sad and wistful that I am, again, not going to Burning Man. I should go. I must go before I die. It is one of the shapes of perfection. I was going to put a Burning Man picture here, but there is no way that a single photo […]

Way too many bookmarks

They say you can peer into a man’s soul by looking at his bookmark file. Well, have a gander. To me, it looks like the yearly booksale at the library of Alexandria. Unfortunately it’s impossible for you my dear reader to tell which links I use all the time and which ones I’ve only visited […]

Fire Arts and Burning Desires Talk

On November 2nd, there was a talk given at Swissnex in San Francisco titled “Fire Arts and Burning Desires: Flame as a creative medium with Burning Man fire artists”. The presenters were Dave X, Crimson Rose, Lucy Hosking, Wally Glenn, Bill Codding, Louis Brill, and (certainly not least) several Flaming Lotus Girls! You can watch […]

Artists and Inventors Invited to Exhibit at the Green Man Pavilion

Could turn out to be an interesting turn for Burning Man… Note the deadline is soon so talk to your industry friends today. Normally, people end up having crazy stories to tell after a trade show but this… imagine sending Bob from the dog and pony show, road-warrior sales team to Burning Man.. Environmental Solutions […]