
Results for bread

Way too many bookmarks

I have waay too many bookmarks in Firefox. Here they are. Some I use 20 times a day, some I haven’t touched in years. I’ll let you figure out which is which.

Whiskey Tasting Party and stuff

Tonight I met crism, who I had been introduced to by Charlotte, who I had been introduced to by Fiz and Jeremy. He held a whiskey tasting party. Twas a good time! There was whiskey and bread pudding with whiskey and salad with whiskey flavored dressing ;-). The bread pudding was actually excellent! I gave […]

A weekend with a bed, a friend and the Extra Action Marching

Friday night: After work, had a very fun time with Laura from Sacramento at LL in Northbeach Saturday: I had a wonderful breakfast at Boogaloos, a 3 block walk from my house, and some wanderings through my neighborhood. Laura showed me where Osento is. She says that’s where all the contented ladies in the neighborhood […]

Lee Recommends Good Things

Lee Recommends Good Things There are a lot of things that help make my life better. Of course, I like toys, but here I list the things that honestly make life better. Purely Cotton facial tissues – (1-28-08) They have them at Rainbow Grocery. Made by Purely Cotton. I thought I was going to get […]

A little update

Phew, I’m busy. Business is getting frazzlingly brisk. Two or three appointments a day takes some serious scheduling! But that’s where I want to be so… I went to a Bi-zone conference this weekend. I was the facilitator for the SOFFA (Significant Other, Friend, Family, or Allies) panel. It went well. It occurs to me […]

This past weekend: Housewarming in Philadelphia

When I was in upstate NY, that girl I met asked me, “What are you doing next weekend?” I thought for a few moments. I struggled to remember… I had something planned but I couldn’t think of what it was! I stammered out an, “Umm, I don’t know. I think I… I don’t remember but […]


I spent an afternoon and dinner at the home of my old G&T teacher , Cassie Lewis and John Jordan on Saturday night. The company and food was soul-freshening. An image of Cassie’s fantastic lemon meringue pie being held out to me still lingers on my mind like a gentle dream. I think that the […]