
Results for swarm


Oop, I haven’t updated my adoring public in a while. Here’s what’s been up recently, in no apparent order. Some of these items took up seconds of my time, some of them hundreds of hours. ————————————————– I was on the curatorial committee for the Robogames Art Competition with Marnia, Niladri and Corey. Marnia and I […]

Work and Such

I’ve been doing all manner of odd jobs recently. Due to the idiotic Swine Flu idiotic panic, Malcolm X Elementary School in Berkeley was closed for a few days. I babysat for Erin for a couple days. I’m still working on the T. Pen idea. After a week, the first beta customer is very happy […]

Recent Doings

Doing: * Sunday & Monday: repairing SWARM orbs for Google IO, finishing sound design, shelling etc. * Tuesday: Charlotte’s office hard drive failed. Spent the afternoon and evening recovering * Wednesday: More hard drive recovery, finished sound design for Orbs. Performed at Google IO with SWARM! (you couldn’t hear the music over the DJ :-((((((((((((((((( […]

New Website for The Box Shop

The Box Shop, the space SWARM and the Flaming Lotus Girls work out of, has a new pretty website. :-) If you need space in San Francisco to make large metal art, consider the Box Shop :-)

Trust No One – Not Even The Google

I was working on inserting Google Calendar into the SWARM blog  and… :-(

Burning Man 2009 Honorarium Art

This list taken from the Burning Man “Jack Rabbit Speaks” mailing list,  V13:#18:04.29.09   **\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/** 2009 HONORARIUM INSTALLATIONS Every year Burning Man allocates a percentage of its revenue from ticket sales to funding select art projects that are collaborative, community-oriented and interactive. We do this in order to support the Burning Man art community, and […]

While the Cat is Away

On Thursday the mouse…. worked on electronics all day, filling the kitchen–>dining room table with electronics. And I didn’t clean it up! Made scalloped Russett potatoes in porcini and (macaroni and cheese) cheese sauce. And I (dare I say) boiled them! And they were fantastic Cleaned up the kitchen and it stayed clean. I used […]


I recently finished listening to an excellent audio version of Sun Tsu’s The Art of War. Wow, extremely worthwhile but watch out or you’ll start seeing the world in very extreme terms. Just before that, I finished listening to  Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle. Bokonon is a bastard. I like him, I think. A few nights […]

This Weekend Doings

  Friday started with a battle to the death with house ants. They always come out when it rains. So I went under the bathroom sink and found the super-toxic goo the pesticide guy squirted out to kill ants. I put a chip of it on a piece of paper, added a drop of water […]


I tried selling residential solar for 5 months last year. It didn’t go well. I didn’t sell any. :-( Before that, I sold yellow pages to try getting my feet wet with direct sales… eh. Over the last few weeks, I found myself babysitting a bit… for Binka’s 11 month-old and Jessica’s 6 and 9 […]