
Results for spam

Today’s Spam Poetry

Today we have a poem in two parts. These emails were sent to me a few hours apart by the nice folks at VP-RX. Please pause between the two parts for maximum effect. I Gain 3+ inches in length Stop premature ejaculation Produce stronger erections 100% Safe to use, no side effects Your partner will […]

More Spam Than You

I thought I got a lot of spam. I’m around 40 a day… A discussion on the ARL list about spam brought out one person that gets about 400 spams a day! Another found that their Earthlink Spaminator filters 1,800 messages a day! I’m not worthy!

Today’s Spam Poetry

Today’s spam poetry make very interesting use of rhythm, playing with the form and pushing the reader’s attention in exciting and edgy directions. I find that the author’s use of nonstandard capitalization, spelling and punctuation allows drips and drops of the ‘true’ meaning of the piece through like a used canvas bag allows light through […]

Today’s spam poetry

Subject: fefx Whät wömën say -vs- whät they dö! regulate kQ-U8E cheek 1q–fml [an image talking about an Herbal Viagra Alternative – Lee] 1c-RKNJ6 obviate Sa-S7RU-QuI lavage Here’s a word definition to help you discover this poem: Lavage: A washing, especially of a hollow organ, such as the stomach or lower bowel, with repeated injections […]

Today’s spam poetry

Today’s spam poetry: From: Subject: Gouranga Call out Gouranga be happy. Gouranga Gouranga Gouranga. Say Gouranga my friend. Gouranga….That which brings the highest happiness. No, I have no clue.

new spam filter and Henry Rollins

The new spam filter is working out great. I couldn’t be happier. Well, I could be, but you know what I mean. A couple months ago I saw Henry Rollins in concert. I took some notes about his show but never bothered to put them in my journal. Here you go: “Ramones Fans can’t kill […]

Spamkiller spam filter help

Here’s another weapon in the war against spam. In the last year I’ve started receiving a lot of spam that Spamkiller hasn’t been able to filter. These spams look like garbage when viewed in Spamkiller. I’ll see garbage like this in the body of the message: DQoNCjxNRVRBIEhUVFAtRVFVSVY9IkNvbnRlbnQtVHlwZSIgQ09OVEV… Well, what the spammers are doing is encoding […]

Spam Poetry

I get around 40 spams a day, every day… some 13 thousand per year. Happily the vast majority get filtered out. But occasionally one makes it through the gauntlet… making it to the right email address, not stopped by Spamkiller, and not deleted by my unconscious brain. Today I got…. it’s just…. so…. Here, you […]

40 spams a day

I get over 40 spams a day, every day. Luckily, the vast majority are received by semi-sacrificial accounts and/or captured by Spamkiller. But it is a terrible nuisance. I still have to wade through them, looking for the occasional email that slips into my spam-bucket. What is the fix? I’ve been saying that it’s legislation…

Spambot well poisoner

I also installed Spambot well poisoner… Spam^Bot^Poison. You can get the source here or see it in action here. The idea is that Spambots will fetch the bad addresses on this page and it’ll slow their spamming down a little. Hey, every bit counts. These kinds of things make me feel all warm and fuzzy. […]