
Results for filter

Anti-Spam Haiku I still don’t totally understand how this company uses the power of haiku to defeat spammers. But I think I like it. I think it works thusly: – If you promise not to spam people and sign up with them, you get 8 points subtracted from your SpamAssassin score when you use the Habeas […]

SpamAssassin, CRM114, Brightmail

I’m chasing my tail spamwise. SpamAssassin kinda works but at a conservative setting (I have it at ‘8’) it doesn’t block enough spam to make it worth me having to scan two spam folders, one for Cloudmark and one for SpamAssassin. I’d love to try CRM114 but even if I got it going well, it […]

More About Cloudmark Spamnet

Spamnet isn’t perfect. It correctly blocks about 40 spams a day of mine. But it also incorrectly blocks about 1 non-spam per day. That’s a big pain because it means I have to sift through my spam list every week or so looking for mistakes. I’m going to try using dual filtering. I’ll set my […]

Net Send * Hey!

This 13 year old kid in Texas got suspended for figuring out how to do a “net send”. That’s not right. So I sent him a letter: Lee C. Sonko [address removed] Vampire & Cowgirl [address from the nightmare candles website] Po Box 1203 Hurst, Tx 76053 Carl, We don’t know each other but I […]

Spam 450 million years in the future

PPG showed this to me. From :The New York Times Gallery Show Seeks the Art in Spam, Seen Through the Eyes of the Future January 26, 2004 By SAUL HANSELL The discordant verse, in simple black letters on white paper, is in keeping with the basement alternative art gallery in which it hangs: ———————————————- victorious […]

Lautenberg against spam

My senator wrote back to me today (via email) about how he’s co-sponsoring federal anti-spam legislation: Dear Mr. Sonko, Thank you for contacting me about spam. I appreciate hearing from you on this issue. The growth of the Internet and the increased use of e-mail have led to the emergence of “spam,” or electronic junk […]

More Spam Than You

I thought I got a lot of spam. I’m around 40 a day… A discussion on the ARL list about spam brought out one person that gets about 400 spams a day! Another found that their Earthlink Spaminator filters 1,800 messages a day! I’m not worthy!

Spam Poetry

I get around 40 spams a day, every day… some 13 thousand per year. Happily the vast majority get filtered out. But occasionally one makes it through the gauntlet… making it to the right email address, not stopped by Spamkiller, and not deleted by my unconscious brain. Today I got…. it’s just…. so…. Here, you […]


I spent an afternoon and dinner at the home of my old G&T teacher , Cassie Lewis and John Jordan on Saturday night. The company and food was soul-freshening. An image of Cassie’s fantastic lemon meringue pie being held out to me still lingers on my mind like a gentle dream. I think that the […]

How not to install a whole-house humidifier

Hurumph. I didn’t get to sub on Friday. It was a snow day. The snow was absolutely beautiful. It was about 25 degrees, very little wind, and big fluffy beautiful flakes covered everything. The tops of all the tree branches were covered in an extraordinary way. We put in a whole-house humidifier today. After only […]