
Results for computer guy

Making your Microsoft Exchange password different from your Windows logon password

Another reason Microsoft Exchange sucks: I asked my company’s IT guy… >> Do you know how I can allow my Windows and Exchange passwords can be different? (backstory: when I set the differently, I would get my email only like once a week… the stars would have to align or something. Maybe the data had […]

Lee Recommends Good Things

Lee Recommends Good Things There are a lot of things that help make my life better. Of course, I like toys, but here I list the things that honestly make life better. Purely Cotton facial tissues – (1-28-08) They have them at Rainbow Grocery. Made by Purely Cotton. I thought I was going to get […]

300 things Mr. Welch can no longer do during an RPG

Update 1-24-10: Ok, if you thought the “300 things” list below was good, here’s 1575 things Mr. Welch can no longer do during an RPG!!! CAUTION: If your sides begin to hurt while reading this, stop immediately! and come back tomorrow! I stole this list. (thanks to Dave for pointing it out to me)

I saw fighting robots

I went to NIMBY to work on Colossus 2 nights ago. I got there about 7:30… worked a while grinding overly large welds made between the column and gussets. And then on to grinding the upper arms of the beast. I stopped for pizza and beer with the guys… for chatting with Elysia (who I […]

CA update

I’m well. Home is nice. Housemates are nice. It seems that every time I get home, I’m offered a beer. The place itself is ‘ok’; not the nicest, not the worst but it’s got a very good location (see next line-item) in The Mission, it’s near stuff, near busses, and near highways :-) And nice […]

Groovy real world Half Life 2

Is it live or Memorex? This guy created some amazing CGI/real-life crossover images. He says, “…and anyone with a camera and a relativly fast computer can make this.” I almost believe him. It’s still astounding that some guy with a computer and a little drive can make these images, which are more realistic than the […]

Make Backups

You should backup all your data. I know that’s what I’m doing at this moment, after reading these stories of woe on engadget. I was going to quote all of the horrible stories for you until I realized that it was almost 800 kilobytes of stories. 582 entries in total. A lot of folks apparently […]

Dragon NaturallySpeaking 8

In a fit of wanting to type faster, I looked into the latest version of Dragon NaturallySpeaking. After 30 mintues of googling, I’ve decided that speech recognition is still not ready for prime time. :-( (dear reader. Do not dispair. Read my update below!) I found several blogs and sites that talked about how excited […]

In Other News

I‘ve been Match-ing for a couple days… It’s quite stressful. We bottled our wine a couple days ago. I’ve been ComputerGuying at a pace. I’m very worried that there isn’t enough money to be made in the residential market though. I’m joining the Hackettstown Rotary Club. That might help. I sure hope. Construction on the […]


I can help. I have 20 years experience helping people with computer troubles. I even make house calls! I can show you how it works or just make it work. From setting up your VCR to installing a new Operating System. I can help you fix your computer or help get a new one, install […]