
Results for backup

Dead Hard Drive AHHHH!

I got sloppy and…. Partition Magic ate my hard drive! AAAHHHH! My last backup is from March 6th! AHHHH! Oh please oh please let me be able to recover everything alright. The first couple rounds of recovery tools haven’t gotten me going yet. Windows Recovery Console – can’t read C: Spinrite – clean bill of […]

Picasa 2: goodness

Picasa 2.0 kicks butt. I found the original Picasa a few years ago and loved it. I’ve only been playing with the latest version for an hour or so but it looks like they’ve cleaned up all the shortcomings of the original software and then some. And the best part is, it’s FREE! Google bought […]

Why I run my own blog: Livejournal outage

This is why: Temporarily Unavailable LiveJournal is currently down due to a massive power failure at our data center. We’ll provide updates at /powerloss/ as they’re available.


AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. On 5-24-04, I pushed the wrong button. Tivo had been on the fritz for a couple weeks. You’d be watching a program or moving through the menus and it would make this clicking noise. If it made at least two clicking noises in a row, the screen would freeze for a few seconds or […]


I stole the CSS from Boxbackup. It’s journal6.css in my random cycling. Perty, ain’t it?

I got DIBS!

Finding what you are looking for is all in the keywords. I’ve been looking for a way to exchange backup space with my friends for a while now. “I’ll give you 5 gigs on my machine for 5 gigs on yours”. What I wanted was secure (likely encrypted before leaving the premises), low bandwidth (think […]


I haven’t used Perl in a long while. But it can be fun! I scripted up a tiny little RSync script to backup the important parts of my hard drive to another drive. Trouble is… my script sucks. But that’s ok. A rudimentary BASH script works better. RIBS is supposed to be this snazzy backup […]


At this very moment I am: Pulling files off a client’s PC that I am about to wipe at about 2 megabytes/second Pushing a 6 gig backup file offsite (thanks TJIC!) at about 70 kilobytes/second Jamming to tunes streaming in to me on Rhapsody Sharing and downloading files on eMule at 30 kilobytes/sec upstream and […]

I’ve discovered the joys of Cascading Style Sheets

I’ve discovered the joys of Cascading Style Sheets. I’ve been looking into snazzing up my journal and letting it graduate into a full fledged blog but I can’t find a solution I like! I might just stick with my home-grown FrontPage-flatfile-FTP system for a while. MovableType looks real nice but stupid Earthlink won’t let me […]