
Results for Burning Man

What are you bringing to Burning Man?

What are you going to bring? I’m bringing a fleet of semi-autonomous spherical robots keyed off GPS, on-board sensors and a Kalman filter; using sound, light and motion they mimic.. and even create their own flocking behaviors. There are no spectators at Burning Man.

Burning Man’s Zip Code

It’s official (!). Burning Man’s zip code is 89412. Interesting.

Where to buy art supplies and Burning Man supplies: Part 2

Here’s a follow up to Where to buy art supplies and Burning Man supplies Originally from The Jack Rabbit Speaks RESOURCE ISSUE #2 Volume 11, Issue #13 JULY 5, 2007. Here are more resources for buying art and other supplies for Burning Man.

Burning Man Article with Serpent Mother in Business 2.0

In the July 2007 (volume 8, Number 6) issue of Business 2.0 there is an interesting article about Burning Man. It’s cool that there is a photo of the Serpent Mother at the top of one of the pages.

Where to buy art supplies and Burning Man supplies

Originally from Jack Rabbit Speaks Volume 11, Issue 11 June 14, 2007 There are several good resources for buying art and other supplies here

Zowie They’re Cool: List of Funded Art For Burning Man 2007

This in from BMORG. Every one of these projects is worthy of appreciation. We’ve just completed our biggest and most challenging grant cycle yet, with 240 proposals to review, up from 170 last year – a 35% increase. The competition was intense, and our community has generated more intriguing projects than ever before. We’ve awarded […]

Orbswarm is a funded project for Burning Man!

We got the news today from Ladybee at Burning Man HQ. Yowie zowie, now we’ve got to build the crazy things!!! Check it out. We’re going to make these: Get the latest Flash Player to see this player. [Javascript required to view Flash movie, please turn it on and refresh this page]

Swarm Proposal Submitted to Burning Man

Check it out! Swarm web site ( local archive of proposal) (local archive of video)

A Burning Man Thought… audio recording

Hmm, I could make an audio recording of the entire 7 days. At 1 MB a minute, the whole thing, 24 x 7 would only be 10 gigabytes. Hmm. But I’d want some video as well. Recording video the whole time would be a big bother though. Hmmm…

Tickets to Burning Man

I have two tickets to Burning Man in my hands. Along with 2 Atomic Fireball suckers. Man it’s hot!