
Results for swarm

What’s in the works

Small Business owner – T. Pen Teaching Faculty at the Crucible – teaching 2 classes starting in February – Introduction to Mechanical Sculpture – Electromechanics for Everything Tutoring School Students – right now I have a 2nd grader and 4th grader Teaching Bread Making at the Institute for Urban Homesteading Presentation Manager for SWARM’s trip […]

I have Typhoid, Hep A, Tetanus and Whooping Cough

…immunizations. In preparing to go to India to show off SWARM, I had to get stuck with a bunch of needles. Joy. I got my immunizations at the San Francisco Department of Public Health Adult Immunization & Travel Clinic They knew which vaccines I needed but I checked up myself with the CDC here and […]

Crucible Faculty

I am excited to say that starting in February I will be regular faculty at the Crucible. I had taught some classes in June. Now Michael Shiloh, head of the department, has asked me to take on 2 of his regular classes: “Electromechanics for Everything” and “Introduction to Mechanical Sculpture”. The classes start in February. […]


This morning Sparkfun had a “Free Day” giving away $100,000 in $100 increments to shoppers. Obviously, their servers came crashing down. Eric asked on the SWARM list Eric: anyone get anything? Lee: I clicked Refresh until my fingers were bloody stumps. But nothing. I’m writing to you now with voice recognition soft wear because I […]

Sometimes you need a win

There are times when things just don’t go that well for long stretches of time. When that gets me down, I tell myself “I just need a win”. It’s a way of reminding myself that if I can change one thing about my situation, then the sky is the limit. It’s also a bit of […]

1575 things Mr. Welch can no longer do during an RPG: Part 2

This is the followup to 1575 things Mr. Welch can no longer do during an RPG Don’t read this here. Instead read it on the author’s site!

Free Wikis

My friend Karen asked me about free wiki software. Here is my response ————————– Well, PBWiki ( offers advertiser supported wiki services but I really really really (really!) recommend using Mediawiki instead. Mediawiki is the software that runs the FLG wiki. It’s really good software and it’s what users are familiar with. I run it […]

Too Much To Do!

Mon 9-21 – Dinner with Charlotte in Alameda, Air Gun obtainment! Tues 9-22 – Adventure dinner out to Glen Park, getting picnic supplies at Canyon Market, discovering  Eggettes, having a picnic on our living room floor, seeing lit candles outside our door and happy birthday song from Cindy! Wed 9-23 – Dorkbot with Mark Pauline, […]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-20

Join me now. Giant mirror event at Exploratorium til 9. Call my phone. # Bouncy castle at hacker dojo is choice. But no dojotes in it, only swarmies and 10 yr old girls. Hmm #

Way too many bookmarks

They say you can peer into a man’s soul by looking at his bookmark file. Well, have a gander. To me, it looks like the yearly booksale at the library of Alexandria. Unfortunately it’s impossible for you my dear reader to tell which links I use all the time and which ones I’ve only visited […]