
Results for occupational therapy

Accepted into CCSF DMI Program!

  Now the big question: Do I go for it or try to get accepted into an Occupational Therapy Master’s program at Samuel Merritt University / San Jose State University? I won’t know if I’m accepted into either of those programs til February or March. What do I want? What can I get? What is […]


A friend asked “Howareya?” My response: Grad school (Samuel Merritt OT Master’s program) application was crazy. 3 classes: * Stats is harder than I remember * My Abnormal Psych Professor has some weird issue with me * Interpersonal Communications is actually kinda fun volunteering at Occupational Therapy clinic in Sausalito… the ferry ride is great, […]

I’m taking the GRE on December 7th

Oh my, I’m nervous. I’d better start studying. Why am I taking the GRE’s you ask? I am applying to grad schools! My application to the Samuel Merritt University Master of Occupational Therapy program will be submitted in a few days. My application to the San Jose State University  Master of Occupational Therapy will be […]

My Commute

Here’s a photo from my commute last week. Nice, eh? I’m commuting on the SF->Sausalito ferry to my Occupational Therapy Center volunteership. I’m upping from once a week to twice a week starting next week. Right now I travel: Home –> Bart to Embarcadero –> Ferry to Sausalito –>bike to office. It takes about 1 […]

What’s Up With Lee’s Career Plans

I applied to the DMI (Diagnostic Medical Imaging) program at CCSF in August. They’ll get back to me in November with a Yay/Nay. Right now I’m pushing hard to get into an OT (Occupational Therapy) program at San Jose State. I’m working, taking prerequisite classes, studying for the GRE, and volunteering in OT (starting volunteering […]

Recent Good Things

I helped a friend connect with some new passions. – D. writes “Seriously, it’s funny how I’ve been stumbling around in my own little world on how to do music-light-flame art that can be interactive, rather than a passive audience, and here you’ve shown me a whole community working on PID (Physical Interactive Design) for […]