
Results for computer guy

Help me! Car Repair Advice

My car has been running a little rough at idle when cold. It would sometimes cut out for a moment and almost stall. The “Check Engine” light came on. It was due for a Test-Only smog check so I took it in for a smog test. The smog guy said the car passed except for […]

Secure Your Public Wifi Usage

Q: When you are in your local coffee shop sipping on a latte, surfing the web, what prevents your neighbor three rows over from stealing the internet passwords you type in? A: Nothing! If you go to web sites that start out “https://”, (the “s” is the important part), you’re safe. But if you log […]

Sometimes you need a win

There are times when things just don’t go that well for long stretches of time. When that gets me down, I tell myself “I just need a win”. It’s a way of reminding myself that if I can change one thing about my situation, then the sky is the limit. It’s also a bit of […]

Lee Recommends Toys

Man, time flies… When I wrote this 8 years or so it was useful, fun stuff. But now I’ll just relegate it to the data pile. I updated it in 2005 but… feh, don’t read this, it’s old and most of my recommendations don’t hold true any more. Lee Recommends Toys [last reviewed (poorly) 9-16-05 […]

1575 things Mr. Welch can no longer do during an RPG: Part 2

This is the followup to 1575 things Mr. Welch can no longer do during an RPG Don’t read this here. Instead read it on the author’s site!

1575 things Mr. Welch can no longer do during an RPG

Oh. My. God. Back in 2005 I came across this list. My sides hurt every time I look at it. Really. Try it. Caveat: if you haven’t ever played an RPG, your sides will remain pain-free. I just revisited the site and see that there are now 1575 things that Mr. Welch is prohibited from […]


I recently finished listening to an excellent audio version of Sun Tsu’s The Art of War. Wow, extremely worthwhile but watch out or you’ll start seeing the world in very extreme terms. Just before that, I finished listening to  Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle. Bokonon is a bastard. I like him, I think. A few nights […]

Click Here November 2003: Messenger Spam

My second article for The Panther originally published November 2003 Click Here by Lee C Sonko I’m so happy to have this new column in The Panther. It’s called “Click Here” in reference to that ubiquitous call to action that you see everywhere when surfing on the internet. Each month, I’ll be telling you about […]

Smartflix Metalworking Newsletter #1

Smartflix is a fantastic resource for people that want to know how to build things. I just got this newsletter. There’s mention of me in the middle there :-) Check out Smartflix right now (and when you do, use this referral link. They’ll give me free rentals when you sign up)((It’s really weird calling my […]

I Made This

The Serpent Mother at the Fire Arts Festival. Construction photos from Michelle Not my work but excellent photos of last year’s Angel of the Apocalypse From and the Oakland Tribune Artists tame, manipulate flames By William Brand, STAFF WRITER OAKLAND – With a flick of a […]