
Results for backup

Where to buy prescripton eyeglasses…. online!

I haven’t made the plunge yet but I’ll be taking this person’s suggestions and buying my next pair of prescription glasses online. (Actually, I’m making this post mostly to remind myself of that blog post) Here’s a copy of his article in case the internet eats the original Adventures in $40 eyeglasses Matthew Haughey | […]


Hey will ya look at that. Regseeker actually made my computer a little faster. I had it remove a few thousand unused registry entries and my Windows XP computer got a little faster. I was a bit worried that it would do Very Bad Things to my registry. I made backups and stuff. It’s been […]

How to make WordPress run faster

To improve the performance of WordPress, I simply removed all of the unactivated plugin files files from my plugins folder. It’s hard to tell exactly how much this improveds things, but page load times are definitely a little quicker. I had several WordPress plugins that weren’t activated but were in the plugins folder. Here’s the […]

Useful Windows Commands

Commands for Windows XP The command line isn’t dead! I compiled these commands from all over. Use them well. Windows XP Recovery Console The only 2 really useful things you can do with it are: fixboot – might magically fix the boot record fixmbr – might magically fix the mbr ———– chkdsk c: /v /r […]

Safe and Secure SF LLC

Charlotte and I have filed with the state. Our new earthquake preparedness service is to be called Safe and Secure SF. Our business cards read: Personalized Earthquake Preparedness Services We help you be prepared! Safer interiors, safety plans, food & supplies, financial info & data backup.


Sometimes I wonder where the time goes. So it’s good to write it down just to remind yourself that you’ve actually accomplished something. In the last week or so I (with Charlotte!)…. went to 2 of 3 bookkeeping classes (final one is next week) went to “How to be a good speaker” class (sucked) went […]

How Does the Site Work? Plugin and Mods Rundown

“Lee, you sure use a lot of plugins on your site. Could you give me a list of all of them?” “Sure thing. I’ll give you the whole rundown..

300 things Mr. Welch can no longer do during an RPG

Update 1-24-10: Ok, if you thought the “300 things” list below was good, here’s 1575 things Mr. Welch can no longer do during an RPG!!! CAUTION: If your sides begin to hurt while reading this, stop immediately! and come back tomorrow! I stole this list. (thanks to Dave for pointing it out to me)

Upgraded to WordPress

I just upgraded from WordPress 1.5 to [mini-woot] It was really quite straightforward. 1. Backup backup backup 2. unzip WP on my computer 3. upload it to my website, overwriting everything that might be overwritten. Done. All my plugins and add-ons still work just peachily. Thanks PhotoMatt

1 Step Forward, 10 Steps Back: Cordless Phones

I just want a cordless phone that works. That’s all I want. Well ok, that’s not entirely true. I want a cordless phone that has: 2 cordless handsets good sound quality a call-answering/voicemail waiting indicator a reasonably simple interface caller ID What I’ve found is a quagmire. First off, our house is filled with crummy […]