Next Big Investment?

What do you think is the best growth stock?

I’ve managed my own stock portfolio for many years and I’ve done pretty well but my portfolio needs some new blood. Since I’ve been in grad school for 3 years, I didn’t think much about investing. What do you think about cannabis-based companies? Canada just legalized recreational cannabis (!!). Maybe I should add Canopy Growth Corp, a Canadian cannabis company to my portfolio. What do you think? What is your hot stock pick?

My current investments are: Amazon, Google, Netflix, and Tesla. Netflix has done VERY well for me over the years but I definitely need to diversify!

Stop This Poorly Written California Flamethrower Bill

Write your California Assemblyman to stop a bad flame effects bill from becoming law.

In brief: In response to Elon Musk selling a flame thrower (actually, not really, it’s more of a big propane torch), a California assemblyman wrote a bill to “stop all that nonsense”. But it doesn’t even do that. It just… well read my letter to my assemblymember! Then find your assemblymember at the link below, copy, paste, edit for yourself and send a letter! Personal grudges and headline grabbing are not valid reasons for enacting law!!!

Here is the text of the bill
AB-1949 Explosives: flamethrowing devices.(2017-2018)

Find your assemblyman and write to them!
or here:


To the Honorable Assembly Member Tony Thurmond, / To the Honorable Senator Nancy Skinner,

I would like to voice my opposition to AB-1949 “Explosives: Flamethrowing Devices”.

Flamethrowing device regulations exist to allow people to create safe flame devices for artistic and industrial purposes while limiting the potential danger to people due to poorly created or malicious purposes.

The existing laws and fire codes regarding flamethrowing devices are perfectly adequate and does their job well, being enforced by police and fire departments in the state.

AB-1949 aims to add a layer of complexity to how flamethrowing devices are regulated in the state of California. The purpose of the bill as explicitly stated by the author is to regulate how Elon Musk (Tesla, Space-X…) can market and sell his flame throwing devices. However, the actual text of the bill as originally written and as revised would not affect Mr. Musk’s operation except, literally, to add a one-part untrue, one-part redundant warning sticker to the devices he sells. (In the bill, Musk’s device is a “Tier II device”)

The other half of the bill (“Tier I flamethowing devices”) would make it much more difficult and expensive to create larger flame throwing devices without increasing safety in any way over the current laws and regulations.

We are already protected at the state level by Sections 12750, 12755, 12756, 12757, and 12761 of the Health and Safety Code. We are protected by fire codes NFPA-160 (National Fire Protection Association): Standard for Flame Effects Before an Audience, NFPA-58:LP gas code, and NFPA-54: National fuel gas code.

I have been teaching flame effects for 9 years at The Crucible in Oakland CA, a 501(c)(3) industrial arts education center. And I have an ongoing connection with flame effects experts in California, with the Nevada LP Gas Board, and the Burning Man organization.

I would be happy to answer any questions you have about this issue.

Thank you,
Lee Sonko OTR/L

Do you want another perspective? Here is a letter from Lucy Hosking to her assemblymember:

Dear Assemblyman Stone,

I am writing to urge you to withdraw your support for and fight against AB-1949.

This is a bad law, it was introduced as a vanity project, it actually fails to regulate the one device that provoked its creation. It will seriously harm the community of responsible Fire Art and Theatrical Flame Effect practitioners throughout the State.

The proposed law is redundant against long established codes, especially National Fire Prevention Association publication #160, “Flame Effects Before a Live Audience”, and in its wording, it appears to be unaware of the existence of these regulations.

All exhibitions and performances of this art are built and operated in strict accordance with NFPA-160, and are subject to the explicit inspection and approval of local Fire Marshals and CalFire personnel. These regulations are extensive and complete. Our safety record speaks for itself: in 20 years, I am unaware of any accident or incident where a person was injured or property was damaged by any practitioner or legitimate device.

The worst part of AB-1949 is that it attempts to conflate these theatrical and artistic devices with weapons of war. This indicates the complete failure of the authors to understand what they are regulating. As an active artist, I see the joy and wonder these things bring to society, especially to children.

I have worked, performed, and built effects in the Fire Art community for 20 years, and my work has a reputation for being some of the best in the field, so I can speak from experience in this. Mr. Santiago has no such experience and no such expertise and is not a reliable source of information on the subject.

Please contact me by email or telephone and I can answer any questions you may have.

Please come to the UnScruz event at Santa Cruz Co. Fairgrounds on May 4,5 & 6 to see it in real life. Bring your family, the kids will love it. I’ve put you on the guest list.

And please, vote this down!

Lucy Hosking

(Read my previous post “Megan’s Law Wouldn’t Have Saved Megan”).

Finishing My First Year As An Occupational Therapist

My first year as an occupational therapist was quite a ride!

Thank you John Swett Unified School District!

The view from my desk, a snapshot in time…



Don’t Buy Huel

I signed up for this meal replacement drink called Huel. In brief, it disagrees with my tummy just like LOTS of other people. I called them several times asking for help and got no response. I’m now in dispute resolution with Paypal. Don’t buy Huel. It might work for you but if it doesn’t, you’ll have to pull teeth to return it.

Try googling “huel farts” or “huel stomach ache”. Or don’t and just trust me that this is a problem.

From the Archive: I’m For Hire

In a fit of nostalgia, I’m going to leave this here… It’s a blog post I made around July 2005 that I had taken down for a long time.


Lee isn’t quite a software engineer, and he’s not quite a sysadmin. He’s what you’d call a computer handyman. He shows up with his bucket of cybertools, and fixes what ails you, whether it’s a cyber-garbage-disposal that’s jammed, or a Interweb-door with squeaky hinges, or anything else…

– A satisfied client

I currently telecommute to an office in New York City part-timefull time (as of 9-27-05). I am available to help you the rest of the time!

I’m currently based in San Francisco, CA. Of course, I can telecommute anywhere in the world.

From 2003 to early 2005, I operated a business called “The Computer Guy” in Hackettstown, NJ. My business statement was, “I go to people’s homes and small businesses, fix their computers and show them how they work.” I have over 150 satisfied customers, many with repeat business, from this venture.

A full listing of the computer services I can perform would be quite unweildy. Instead, here is a brief overview:

  • Part time IT department – Your 5 person office doesn’t need a full time computer guy.
  • Software Quality Assurance – I’ve held manyQA engineer positions
  • Customer Support – I’ve been a representative and CS Department manager
  • Windows, *nix and a bit of Mac. Servers, services, tools, graphic design & layout.
  • Make your WordPress blog shine – spam-proofing, layout, back-end tools
  • Networking – running wire, connecting computers
  • Spam prevention – I hate spam, I know how to stop those vile people and I can help you.
  • Virus/adware/spyware prevention and recovery
  • Small jobs – “make my new digitial camera useful”, “show me how to sell stuff on eBay”, “let me get to my company’s network from home”, “help me buy a computer”, “put my record collection on CDs”, while I’m at it, I can even make that awful bundle of wires behind your desk not look like such such a fire hazard.

I charge $70/hour for general services, $40/hr if we schedule 3 or more training sessions. I charge 1/2 of my hourly rate for travel if my round-trip time is more than 1 hour. I am also willing to telecommute. I will, of course give you a free estimate for any services. I like what I do and it shows. I hold my work to the highest standards of integrity. Regardless of the task, I have fanatic attention to detail and completeness when such attention is called for.Feel free to contact me. You can browse my resume. I can give you many excellent references.

Vote For My Bride’s Wedding Ring

I designed Megan’s wedding ring. The jeweler who made the stone is holding a contest for the best jewelry. If you love Megan’s ring, please vote for it right now!

To vote for Megan’s ring, go here and click “Vote for this photo!”

To see all the contest entries go to the contest page

And to see the current offerings from the jeweler, Andrew from, go to his site

Here’s a blog entry about designing and making her ring.


And PS, yes, I am VERY happy with this jeweler’s work! And the folks at  Edward’s Jewelry and Imports that helped me make the ring!

What Do People Do All Day

Abigail has requested to read What Do People Do All Day MOST NIGHTS for the past YEAR and FOUR MONTHS! And I STILL discover details and in-jokes in the book on a regular basis. If you get your 2-8 year-old just ONE BOOK this year, make it Richard Scarry’s What Do People Do All Day.

Lunch at Cal Academy: 1 star

The California Academy of Sciences is a wonderful, magical place, just don’t buy your lunch there. Bring it instead.

I went with Megan and Abigail a few weekends ago. Ordering food is very chaotic, the food is very expensive but not tasty. A 1/2 pint of milk and a somehow banana cost $6. I think we spent $42 and left hungry. The dining room is loud, and jam packed (granted, it was a Saturday at noon) with poor, weird lighting. Bland tuna fish sandwich. Bland chili. Seeing the broken feedback machine really got my goat.


Last night I didn’t wear my CPAP for 1/2 the night and I’m wrecked. Reminds me of how much it helps. If you snore and don’t have the energy you want to have, look into getting one of these CPAP life-superchargers!

A Simple Joy: Inbox 0

A Simple Joy: Inbox 0!