
Results for wedding

Mao-widge and other things

My sister got married this weekend. The wedding was great. I’ll have photos up soon. And, yes, the minister said, “Mao-widge” during the service. If you are furrowing your brow at that statement, then watch The Princess Bride! Making an announcement mailing list happen for the PVPOA is stalled. The PVPOA lawyer wants that all […]

Where my sister will be married

This month’s photo is a shot of the spot my sister will likely be married on this October!

It flew. It crashed. It bounced.

It flew. It crashed. It bounced. All is good. I can’t wait to fly again! And everyone at the club is -very- nice. After another flyer saw my crash and non-damage he said, “That would have completely destroyed a balsa plane.” Yea, but it isn’t. :-) After flying, I went to my cousin Bart and […]

I woke up so nicely too…

11am: I woke up so nicely too… My parents called. I said “hello” and the first word out of my mother’s voice was a cold disapproving, “Did I wake you up?” “No.” I get that EVERY time they call before noon. After the call, I went up and put my new Scott Eggert CD into […]

Bunch o Updates

Last night I bought a couple things so I can get my Zagi flying wing model airplane in the air for the spring. It should be flying soon. I subbed today at the High School as a Music teacher. The kids were difficult and I don’t have any musical training to fall back on so […]

A bunch of things

I’ve been working a lot on the website in the last few days. 2-16-03 – Started adding Gram’s recipes to Cooking. 2-15-03 – updated Films. 2-12-03 – added section About My Yet Unrealized Home, updated "God Bless America" rant, updated NERO crapola, updated TV I’ve got a bit of leg-work and data entry ahead of […]

Religious Intolerance, Crack of the Masses

Here’s a scary Halloween story. Police officers with shot guns and flack jackets break up a pagan wedding, where 2 people are wearing fairy wings by Tish Owen (owner of The Goddess and The Moon, Nashville TN)