
Results for swarm

Why I Live In San Francisco

I’m septuple booked with fun stuff this coming weekend. – meeting with Schuyler for burritos and mechatronic art fun – going to SWARM Camp, upgrading SWARM for the singularity – Picking up equipment (and coworker) from the airport and calibrating it over the weekend for my upcoming trip to Saudi Arabia – Going to a […]

Polyphasic Sleep

I’d love to get more time to do everything than other people. Here’s a recent discussion between a friend and I about polyphasic sleep. Darn him if he doesn’t make excellent arguments against the possibility of me (or most people) ever doing it. ————————————————– From Lee When we were together, I spoke to you about […]


Please note that I wrote this post very recently after my trip to India. A year later, I am much more mellow and positive about the trip. I certainly was an experience in a foreign country! – Lee March 2011 a friend just asked about my recent trip to India. 3 friends and I took […]

65 Days by Plane

65 days after I left 3 SWARM robots in a room in Kanpur India, packed and ready to ship, they have been delivered to me here in San Francisco. I took delivery at 1pm today. This has been such an ordeal. Ask me to tell you about it. I’ll teach you about the 50% rule […]


Sorry I haven’t been blogging, I’ve been doing. Teaching Kinetics 9-12pm and 1-4pm takes a lot out of you, especially when there are always some challenging kids in the group. Those 2 weeks are done. There will be another round shortly! Tutoring twice a week to a 3rd grader and 4th grader. Last week we […]


Worked a day last week at the Crucible for a corporate training event building part of a large crazy control panel. We didn’t finish it at the event so I’m being paid to finish building it. Cool. I hooked up with an  acquaintance on Monday night to modify a mechanism to work for an online […]

Returned from India

I’m back from Techkriti in India! The talk went very well, the students totally swarmed us every time we rolled orbs, and the trip was a blast. Recovering from 12.5 hour jet lag is a bother. I’ll have photos and stories soon.

Biography Writing

In my whole life, I can only remember being asked to write a bio four times… three in the last three weeks! Weird! The Crucible (not done yet!) IUH Techkriti (an Indian technology conference I’m presenting at in 2 weeks) Flaming Lotus Girls

Institute of Urban Homesteading Breadmaking Bio

I’ll be teaching a breadmaking class at the Institute of Urban Homesteading Open House on May 16th. Hopefully that will lead to many more bread making classes :-) My biography is now on the Faculty page of the IUH website (was here)    :-) Lee Sonko Lee Sonko is an entrepreneur, educator, machine artist, […]

Pure Comedy Gold: Insane Killer Robots

Niladri wrote to the SWARM list a few days ago: I reflashed the daughter board on Orb 3 and Michael Toren and I roll tested it. The moment I hit the joystick the orb took off and wouldn’t stop even when I let go of the joystick. … P.S. 1 – The kill switch is […]