
Results for computer guy

Repair Your Prius MFD

The MFD (Multifunction Display) / computer screen in our 2008 Prius started misbehaving. It would show a black screen or a weird sort-of out-of-focus screen, or wacky light effects. Entertaining as it was, we had to fix it. Our mechanic fixed it for $800 last year and it failed again. Since our mechanic had retired […]

To Help Avoid the Troubles of a Lawful Insurrection

To help avoid the troubles of a lawful insurrection, please remember that the election results won’t be fully tabulated until several days after November 3rd. To any presidential candidate that casts adamant derision on the election process, recall that he’s a lying shitbag. He lied about his VERY FIRST MOMENT as president. And will lie […]

Important Lessons from QA

These are from when I was working as a QA (quality assurance) engineer around 2000 at Wavexpress. The most important checks are the most basic. Our company created a big program for signing up for our beta program via a telephone number. I was not on this project and it was most certainly “not my […]

Burning Man 2013 Resource Guide

Presenting the Burning Man 2013 Resource Guide! From the Jack Rabbit Speaks, “We’ve compiled a list of fellow JRS readers who are offering you their bits, bobs, wares, services and suchlike (and often special discounts for Burners) to help you prepare for the playa.” This is a simply spectacular listing of burniphenalia. Enjoy! (Find the […]

The Unexclamed Life is Not Worth Living

3 days of Exclamations: My personal journal from Sunday January 8, to Wednesday January 11. Sunday January 8th, 2012: See Delaney! + Monday: 8am: Welcome to Foothill College, Los Altos, CA! + 8:01am: I locked my keys in the car! – 8:30am: Ack, classes are starting today?! – 8:45am: Quarters instead of semesters? What does […]

Movies of Late

Saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 last night. Completely awesome. See/read what came before or you won’t get it. I think seeing it in “Digital Projection” at the Daly City Century 20 was good, the cinematic effects were just so…. real. 2 weeks after opening, the theater was full, and everyone in […]

Burning Man 2011 Resource Guide — Part 1 of 3

Every year Burning Man puts out a guide for buying supplies and such. This year’s list is pretty darn huge so I’ve split it into 3 parts. Here you go!  You can  find the original listing here. Be sure to check out the 2010 guide.

Notes from Paris

I went to Paris, France on business a couple weeks back. Here are some more notes from the trip. Previously, Previously. Had a crepe formage 2 blocks from Notre Dame :-) Notre Dame is pretty awesome. The structure totally rivals the Taj Mahal, which I had the pleasure of seeing in February. Personally, I liked […]

Burning Man 2010 Resource Guide – Part 1

Every year Burning Man puts out a guide for buying supplies and such. This year’s list is pretty darn huge. So I’ve split it into 2 parts. Here you go! Part 1 RESOURCES 2010 **\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/** Table of Contents Playa Preparation Events Lights and Electronics Miscellaneous BRC Gear Playa Wear Services **\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/** Playa Preparation Events **\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/**\<>/** […]


Worked a day last week at the Crucible for a corporate training event building part of a large crazy control panel. We didn’t finish it at the event so I’m being paid to finish building it. Cool. I hooked up with an  acquaintance on Monday night to modify a mechanism to work for an online […]