
Results for bread

Workshop Weekend Santa Cruz Oct 6&7!

You are cordially invited to Workshop Weekend, Santa Cruz, Oct 6 and 7. I’m teaching “Real Bread (and Butter) in 10 Minutes” on Saturday, October 6th at 2:00pm. Workshop Weekend is a weekend-long event of short, 1 to 3 hour long workshops in subjects from exploring 3D modeling and printing, building a mini robot, and […]

Institute of Urban Homesteading

The Institute of Urban Homesteading in Oakland has a lot of cool courses this summer, including my Real Bread in 10 Minutes class :-) More info and signups at

The Unexclamed Life is Not Worth Living

3 days of Exclamations: My personal journal from Sunday January 8, to Wednesday January 11. Sunday January 8th, 2012: See Delaney! + Monday: 8am: Welcome to Foothill College, Los Altos, CA! + 8:01am: I locked my keys in the car! – 8:30am: Ack, classes are starting today?! – 8:45am: Quarters instead of semesters? What does […]

East Bay Mini Maker Faire

I’ll be presenting bread at East Bay Mini Maker Faire  Oct 16th 10a-5p.  As a presenter, I’ve got a 15% discount on tickets for friends. Register online and use the discount code 10MINBREAD :-) Wanna travel over there together? Buzz me. Here’s the full blurb about EBMMF: Independently-organized but inspired by  Maker  Faire  (and MAKE […]

Burning Man Supplies

(This originally appeared on my non-blog website but is reposted here to make it easy to find.) This is a review and commentary of the supplies I took to Burning Man 2004 – 2008. I hope you (and I) can benefit from it! 2004: I had my gear shipped out in a train container with […]

What Will You Learn? Taster Classes this weekend!

This weekend, May 28 & 29,  there are a whole bunch of taster classes going on in the Bay Area. Here’s a tiny sample of what’s going on: Eat fire (3 hours, $95) Sequence your own DNA (1.5 hours, $39) Learn the basics of woodworking (2.5 hours, $28) Create a cast glass sculpture (3 hours, […]

Upcoming Classes at The Crucible

If you are interested in any of these upcoming (awesome) classes, give me a buzz, or just sign up! Spring Kinetics classes are starting up at the Crucible in Oakland, starting April 9th. Most classes are 1 night a week 6-9pm for 5 weeks. One class is on Saturdays. Space is limited and classes are […]

The World Needs a Smart Toaster

With a sensor and some processing power, it shouldn’t be hard to make a toaster that can actually make perfect toast every time. I’m astounded that such a product doesn’t exist. It wouldn’t be expensive in large quantities. Possible sensors include visual camera infrared camera gas sensor – Sparkfun has $5 alcohol and carbon monoxide […]

Saw Avatar: Pretty awesome

I saw Avatar in 3D at the Metreon with Stacy. It’s pretty, awesome, and pretty awesome. Totally beautiful,  sumptuous  visuals,  gorgeous realization of an alternate world. And the aliens are totally hot! I should write more about it but I’m short on time. So here’s bullet points: the first 1/2 of the movie hurt my […]

Biography Writing

In my whole life, I can only remember being asked to write a bio four times… three in the last three weeks! Weird! The Crucible (not done yet!) IUH Techkriti (an Indian technology conference I’m presenting at in 2 weeks) Flaming Lotus Girls