
Results for backup

iTunes and Quicktime is Bad at Everything

What is the deal with this? When I double-click a .mov file, it takes 30+ seconds for Quicktime to power up and play the file. When I plug my iPhone into my computer, it takes 2+ minutes to backup the iPhone every time… and THEN it starts syncing. iTunes is DOG SLOW to do anything […]

Recovering from Hard Drive Crash

I’m part way through recovering from a hard drive crash. Last week my computer made the dreaded clicking noise. So I decided it was time to transfer my computer life over to a new hard drive. Old: 180gb main drive, 500gb secondary, 250gb external New: 1500gb main drive, screw-the-rest eh? Spinrite told me there were […]

1575 things Mr. Welch can no longer do during an RPG: Part 2

This is the followup to 1575 things Mr. Welch can no longer do during an RPG Don’t read this here. Instead read it on the author’s site!

1575 things Mr. Welch can no longer do during an RPG

Oh. My. God. Back in 2005 I came across this list. My sides hurt every time I look at it. Really. Try it. Caveat: if you haven’t ever played an RPG, your sides will remain pain-free. I just revisited the site and see that there are now 1575 things that Mr. Welch is prohibited from […]

Way too many bookmarks

They say you can peer into a man’s soul by looking at his bookmark file. Well, have a gander. To me, it looks like the yearly booksale at the library of Alexandria. Unfortunately it’s impossible for you my dear reader to tell which links I use all the time and which ones I’ve only visited […]

Lee Recommends Computer Programs

See this Lee Recommends Computer Programs page too Recuva recovers files deleted from your Windows computer, Recycle Bin, digital camera card, or MP3 player. And it’s free! Ccleaner protects your privacy online and makes your computer faster and more secure Lee Recommends Computer Programs Updated 5-6-09 Ok, I realize that this post has become just […]

Movies and Plays!

When Charlotte’s family was here, we all went to see  Wicked  at the Orpheum Theater. It was really quite a show!   The 5,000 Fingers of Dr T on 3-1-09. Pretty fun. Pretty trippy. Muppets from Space on 3-1-09. Nope, it didn’t have the spark that Jim Henson brought to the Muppets. Pandering to children […]

Dead Hard Drive Advice

A friend wrote to me today about his failed hard drive: This weekend my laptop HD, a hitachi 250GB. suddenly stopped. While running disk warrior on it, it failed into the famed click of death. Would be very interested in recovering some of the data from it if you have any brilliant ideas. Here is […]

Installed WordPress 2.6, Problems

Slightly prettier. Google Gears helps mitigate the slowness of all the freaking modal windows they keep putting in. Note I say “helps”. Modal windows are bad for performance. This isn’t a heavyweight application, it’s just moving text around. It should be lightning fast. It used to be. :-( There are changes to how images are […]

My WordPress Plugins 6-6-08

Credit where credit is due. Here are all the Plugins I’m running as of 6-6-08 on this WordPress 2.5.1 install. Admin Drop Down Menu (v. 2.1 ) by Ozh. Brian’s Latest Comments (v. 1.5.10 ) by Brian Meidell. DoFollow (v. 4.0 ) by Kimmo Suominen. Exec-PHP (v. 4.7 ) by Sören Weber. Flexible upload (v. […]