
Results for spam

My Blog Hacked for Spam

Fucking spammers. Today I found a mountain of spam links for crap like zyrtec and zithromax in my footers.php.  All the links forward to These are bad people:  scammers and thieves. I also found a strange file in my wordpress theme file, 1.php. The file started like this: <?PHP           […]

Spam Karma: so long and thanks for all the fish

Dave, the author of the terrific-fantastic-makes-blog-comments-possible-I’ve-donated-to Spam Karma has decided to call it quits on the project. He’s opened it up as GPL. I certainly hope that someone picks up the slack. Here is Spam Karma GPL edition.

Click Here December 2003: Spam Spam Spam Egg and Spam

Click Here originally published December 2003 in The Panther By Lee C. Sonko “Spam, spam, spam, egg and spam.” The comedy troupe Monty Python’s Flying Circus performed a skit some 25 years ago where an unfortunate restaurant goer had no choice but to order a meal that had spam in it because that was pretty […]

Click Here November 2003: Messenger Spam

My second article for The Panther originally published November 2003 Click Here by Lee C Sonko I’m so happy to have this new column in The Panther. It’s called “Click Here” in reference to that ubiquitous call to action that you see everywhere when surfing on the internet. Each month, I’ll be telling you about […]

How to stop mediawiki spam

We started getting spam on a Mediawiki based project I belong to, SWARM. I installed the ConfirmEdit extension and haven’t had another spam yet. Wiki first launched March 2007. First spam May 2007. Last Spam… that same day. :-) Update 4-4-08: eventually, I started getting spam through this. So I had to lock down the […]

Installed Math Comment Spam Protection Plugin

(note: I disabled the plugin. See the comments for more info) To try and keep the 100+ comment spams per day out of my life (and even my ‘moderated’ pile), I’ve installed Math Comment Spam Protection. I’ve tried several “makes you add two numbers” plugins and this one seems to work best with what I […]

How to keep spam at bay

Here’s 2 good ways to keep spam at bay: Route your email through Google Mail 1- forward all your mail to a Gmail account that you set up 2- Tell Gmail to forward all your mail to a private email address of yours Or I pay $1.95/month for the Cloudmark Desktop service ( and it […]

600 Comment Spams per day

I’m now getting 600 comment spams per day. Phew. Spam Karma is keeping up with them but jeez…. If you leave a comment and get a crazy error, don’t worry. Spam Karma’s Captcha test is broken somehow. If you get the error, it means Spam Karma tried to give you the Captcha test but barfed. […]

Spam Business Plan

How would it feel to run a business that writes wacked-out poetry and sends it to millions of people? Apparently, Ruben Boor knows. Go ahead and read the whole thing.

200 Comment Spams per Day

I have been getting about 200 comment spams per day for a while now. Spam Karma has stopped 100% of them. 30,000 at last count. I get about 3 “please moderate this comment” notices from Spam Karma per week. So far, all of them have been spams as well. Spam Karma is good. Thanks Dr […]