
Results for real bread

The Unexclamed Life is Not Worth Living

3 days of Exclamations: My personal journal from Sunday January 8, to Wednesday January 11. Sunday January 8th, 2012: See Delaney! + Monday: 8am: Welcome to Foothill College, Los Altos, CA! + 8:01am: I locked my keys in the car! – 8:30am: Ack, classes are starting today?! – 8:45am: Quarters instead of semesters? What does […]

Burning Man Supplies

(This originally appeared on my non-blog website but is reposted here to make it easy to find.) This is a review and commentary of the supplies I took to Burning Man 2004 – 2008. I hope you (and I) can benefit from it! 2004: I had my gear shipped out in a train container with […]

Upcoming Classes at The Crucible

If you are interested in any of these upcoming (awesome) classes, give me a buzz, or just sign up! Spring Kinetics classes are starting up at the Crucible in Oakland, starting April 9th. Most classes are 1 night a week 6-9pm for 5 weeks. One class is on Saturdays. Space is limited and classes are […]

The World Needs a Smart Toaster

With a sensor and some processing power, it shouldn’t be hard to make a toaster that can actually make perfect toast every time. I’m astounded that such a product doesn’t exist. It wouldn’t be expensive in large quantities. Possible sensors include visual camera infrared camera gas sensor – Sparkfun has $5 alcohol and carbon monoxide […]

Saw Avatar: Pretty awesome

I saw Avatar in 3D at the Metreon with Stacy. It’s pretty, awesome, and pretty awesome. Totally beautiful,  sumptuous  visuals,  gorgeous realization of an alternate world. And the aliens are totally hot! I should write more about it but I’m short on time. So here’s bullet points: the first 1/2 of the movie hurt my […]

A Day Off

I have trouble giving myself a day off because I’ve got a million things on my todo list. But today, I was off. Went to the shooting range with Schuyler and his friend Mitch. While I was officially Schuyler’s Parent or Guardian because of his tender young age (!), I spent the most time with […]

Review of 1550 Hyde Restaurant, San Francisco

Here’s my review I posted to Yelp. Charlotte, Riley and I went there last night. Kern was buying as our holiday present. 1550Hyde 2 1/2 of 5 stars. It was “fine”. My yellowtail was cooked fine with a bit of bitter green sauce on it. The cooked baby green things beside it were nice if […]

Sometimes you need a win

There are times when things just don’t go that well for long stretches of time. When that gets me down, I tell myself “I just need a win”. It’s a way of reminding myself that if I can change one thing about my situation, then the sky is the limit. It’s also a bit of […]

Lee Recommends Toys

Man, time flies… When I wrote this 8 years or so it was useful, fun stuff. But now I’ll just relegate it to the data pile. I updated it in 2005 but… feh, don’t read this, it’s old and most of my recommendations don’t hold true any more. Lee Recommends Toys [last reviewed (poorly) 9-16-05 […]

Way too many bookmarks

They say you can peer into a man’s soul by looking at his bookmark file. Well, have a gander. To me, it looks like the yearly booksale at the library of Alexandria. Unfortunately it’s impossible for you my dear reader to tell which links I use all the time and which ones I’ve only visited […]