
Results for occupational therapy

Avocado Toast

I hear that avocado toast is why I can’t afford a mortgage. To that I say “Yum!” Studying for my occupational therapy board exam at Philz Coffee, drinking high-test and eating like a millennial!

Life Update

August 2014-May 2016: four semesters of a very intense master’s program with a 5 hr/day, 4 days/week commute (see commuting footnote). June 2016-May 2017: Two completed  internships, got only half way through another one due to a medical problem. Married June 2014, two months before school started, just two years after we met. New baby […]

Diving In!

I am diving in to my final occupational therapy fieldwork on Monday! So I’ll be rather incommunicado for three months, until the middle of June. It’s at a nearby public school system, which is fantastic, my passion has been pointing me toward pediatric OT for a while. During this time, life will be very busy […]

Internship Postponed

With my eye medical problems, the university postponed my internship. That was the right thing to do. I had been missing whole days because of doctor visits, was having trouble seeing, and couldn’t focus on learning because of my worries. Yesterday I went to an eye doctor, Dr. Michel Jumper in Walnut Creek. They took […]

I’ll Be Presenting My OT Poster Presentation at OTAC!

I was selected to present my research poster at the OTAC Convention (Occupational Therapy Association of California) in Pasadena October 27-30! My big final research paper in school was about the relationship between stress and life satisfaction among occupational therapy graduate students. I created a poster to highlight the important points and I presented it […]

OT Academics Done!

I am finished with the academic portion of my Master of Science degree in Occupational Therapy at San Jose State University! On May 27th I walked with my cohorts wearing cap and gown in a convocation ceremony. In the coming months I will do two three-month fieldworks: a skilled nursing facility in Alameda and at […]

My Master’s Thesis

My master’s thesis will be on the relationship between stress and life satisfaction in occupational therapy graduate students. Here’s our recruitment flyer.  (No need to respond, we’re only taking San Jose State OT students!)

Looking for 85+ Interviewee

(Update: I’m pretty sure I found an interviewee, thanks!) Looking for 85 year-old interviewee I am looking to interview a person that is at least 85 years old and in well health for one of my Occupational Therapy Master’s program classes at San Jose State University. Do you know someone I might speak to? The […]

A Circus Act That Serves a Smile to Refugees

My classmate Sarah is seriously considering running off with the circus for her Occupational Therapy international fieldwork experience! She’ll be joining a group called CircusAID. The program is being developed as a branch of Holistic Circus Therapy that worked with Syrian, Afghani, and Iraqi refugees in Lesvos, Greece, where thousands of refugees were arriving by […]

Last Academic Semester

Last Academic Semester. I’m writing this from the BART train. Today begins my last academic semester at San Jose State University, studying for my Master’s of Occupational Therapy degree. This summer and fall I’ll be doing fieldwork. Then in January I’ll take the NBCOT. Passing that, I’ll be an Occupational Therapist! Last semester was rough. […]