
Results for computer guy

A Boring Chronology of the Day’s Events

—- Didn’t Fix Computers I tried to fix Deann’s computer tonight and failed. Bean found a fix for her problem on her own. And last night I was unable to fix Sam’s computer. And I thought I had gotten out of the Computer Guy business. Grr. —- Missed Kite Fight I was at Bernal Hill […]

Moving to Bay Area

At the beginning of June, I’ll be moving to California, the San Francisco East Bay to be exact! Why am I moving? I’m moving to follow my bliss. Last summer I went to the Burning Man festival in Nevada, an event with a large population from the Bay Area. The event opened my eyes and […]

East Coast Hobby Show Liars

I went I went to the East Coast Hobby Show in Fort Washington, PA looking to speak with manufacturers and remote control know-it-alls for a project. What a total frigging waste of time. The website and the advertising material blatantly lies about what kind of a show it is. It is billed as a “full […]

My Bay Area Trip

My trip to the bay area went very well. I got to meet up with a great variety of people, see a lot of the sights and get a real feel for the place. Since there’s so much to say, I’ll just spit this all out in no real order (if you want a good […]

I’m sick

I think I got myself sick by not cooking these chicken patty things enough. :-( My stomach is unhappy, I’m dizzy and most unnerving, I’ve got general muscle weakness. It took me a while to figure out that last one because normally when I’m sick (a cold or something) I have joint pain. After getting […]

Bidding on a Project and Cleaning House

I’m bidding on a $20k project as Computer Guy. That is, if I can take a minute to actually write up the bid. I’ve been running ragged with people that call me saying “Oo oo, you gotta help me right now! It’s am emergency! And I had a cleaning person over a few days ago. […]

A little update

Phew, I’m busy. Business is getting frazzlingly brisk. Two or three appointments a day takes some serious scheduling! But that’s where I want to be so… I went to a Bi-zone conference this weekend. I was the facilitator for the SOFFA (Significant Other, Friend, Family, or Allies) panel. It went well. It occurs to me […]


At this very moment I am: Pulling files off a client’s PC that I am about to wipe at about 2 megabytes/second Pushing a 6 gig backup file offsite (thanks TJIC!) at about 70 kilobytes/second Jamming to tunes streaming in to me on Rhapsody Sharing and downloading files on eMule at 30 kilobytes/sec upstream and […]

Wireless 802.11 USB adapter

After getting ready to be very mad at D-Link for selling me hope (only to have that hope dashed against the rocks of not-working-ness) I am happy with my new sexy little D-Link DWL-122 Wireless 802.11 USB adapter. Isn’t it just the cutest thing you ever did see? You see, I’m all excited because this […]

Quick Update on the State of Lee

Computer guy is a real business! I made something like $400 this weekend! I’m still selling Marilyn Merlots on eBay too… I just invested another $1500 in stock and it’s selling at a pace, 1-2 bottles per week. Living at home is going fine. I’d rather be completely on my own, but living here has […]