
Results for Burning Man

Tweet me a River

It’s good to hate. Jon wrote a Christmasy Twitter poem and I’m honored to be in there showing my anti-tweeterness.   December 27, 2008 Hello Tweeps! It’s that time of year To spread a little Twitter cheer So yelp a carol you holiday hollerers For my fantastic fans and fellow followers So hello  @LeeSonko  (Twitter-hater!) […]


Update 9-15-08: “Gears are turning and plans for the relocation of NIMBY are in the works” on the NIMBY website! Update 4-13-11: NIMBY continues to rock! NIMBY is  was is an incredible space  for art. The place has ENERGY! I worked on Colossus there. I’ve got friends that work on art there, including the Dance […]

The Most Exciting Baby Shower This Year

Make sure to read the bottom part too! Hallie’s Baby Shower Celebrant: Hallie McConlogue Baby: Pumpkin unit 1 Event Date: 2008-08-16Trailer Trash /punk/hippy themed baby shower at the encounter Studio. Come as you are or in theme. Time:2pm – 6pm Where:The Encounter Studio 555 De Haro St Suite 120 San Francisco, CA 94107 Look for […]

QBOX Events Mailing List

I just took over administrating the QBOX Events mailing list. Laughing Squid is apparently getting out of the Mailman mailing list business. This from the mailing list itself: Charles Gadeken Wed, 08 May 2002 16:51:13 -0700 (PDT) Next message: QBOX Events: QBox Events Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject […]

Followup to The Best Thing I Read All Day

I have been talking with the person who wrote “The Best Thing I Read All Day“. the project that he is working on is pretty sweet. From Sasha: Here is our artcar project this year: (don’t miss the “night view” :)) and the previous one, “dust2music”, several years ago: Trainspotting was this train […]

Yesterday Was Great Fun

Friday morning: got up late… 9am. Lounged around in bed til 10. Had breakfast. I had soft boiled eggs. I haven’t had a soft boiled egg since I was a kid. It was great! As we were finishing up breakfast, Lorie and Cindy (our next door neighbors) came by and we had a second breakfast. […]

Fire Bloom #2 is on Ocean Beach

This is a part of the Ocean Beach Fire Pit Project Hi there all my nearest and dearesteses… For the past two and a half months many of you have not heard from me or seen me much. During this time Rebecca, the Fire Bloom crew and I have been bustin’ our butts to get […]

Protect yourself welding stainless steel

Last year I helped to build The Serpent Mother with the Flaming Lotus Girls. I welded and ground a lot of stainless steel sheet. Here is a safety guide I created for safely working with stainless steel.

Power Tool Drag Races at Maker Faire or Why I live here

blown big block belt sanders ………….. nitro burning funny saws …………………………wheel standing weed wackers it’s racing . . . racing . . . racing saturday and sunday . . . sunday . . . sunday at the maker’s faire, may 19 and 20, san mateo fairgrounds. ————————————————————————————————————————— We will be having a full, two day, […]

Building Big Art

what I’m working on now with the Flaming Lotus Girls Serpent Mother I helped build this last year with Zachary Coffin and Corbett Griffith Colossus What the Flaming Lotus Girls worked on last year Angel of the Apocalypse And the year before… Hand of God And the year before… The Seven Sisters