
Results for srl

Mark Pauline Meets President Obama

I did not expect to see that! Read the whole thing (and watch the video!) on We asked Pauline how he managed to get an invite, and he gave us the following response: “Easy, my mother in law was in Congress for 20 years and I passed the background check due to my spotless […]

River Town Revival Petaluma Terrific

I got an email Saturday 9am on Dorkbot saying that SRL is going to have a few machines at some River Town Revival thing in Petaluma. I grabbed my things and went right up there. Coolness abounded. * I missed the art-boat race but saw some nice vehicles: a sea monster thing, a hand-made row […]

Way too many bookmarks

They say you can peer into a man’s soul by looking at his bookmark file. Well, have a gander. To me, it looks like the yearly booksale at the library of Alexandria. Unfortunately it’s impossible for you my dear reader to tell which links I use all the time and which ones I’ve only visited […]

Area 2881

I saw Carl Pistaturo‘s machine art for the first time last night. I was astounded. If you ever get the chance, see these “amusements”! I had caught his listing on The Squidlist.     Rotating Amusement Devices of Carl Pisaturo Experience and celebrate mechatronic devices with inverse commercial potential. These are highly artgineered Rotating Amusement […]

Forklift Certification

I’m now a certified forklift operator, whatever that means. Flaming Lotus Girls organized a certification class with this OSHA certified guy. This was partially in response to Todd Blair, a member of SRL, being severely injured after the conclusion of Robodock; though a forklift wasn’t specifically to blame for his injury, I think it got […]

Mark Pauline: Survival Research Laboratories | Media Arts lecture

Hey, anybody else going to this? Wanna go with me? ————————————————– Oakland campus 5212 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94618-1426 510.594.3600 Mark Pauline: Survival Research Laboratories « Media Arts lecture Thursday, March 15, 7:30 pm Nahl Hall, Oakland campus Info: 510.594.3656 Survival Research Laboratories (SRL) was conceived of and founded by Mark Pauline in November […]

Survival Research Labs event

As I type, the Serpent Mother is scorching black tie attendees at the hoity toidy $100/ticket FAF night. Tomorrow I’ll be pushing the poofer buttons for the $25 riff raff crowd :-) And already I’m dreaming about going to this: Survival Research Labs Day: Friday Time: 10:30 p.m. Location: Behind South Hall Ticket Price: $25 […]