
Results for occupational therapy

Occupational Therapy Described In Verse

A bunch of friends have asked me what the heck Occupational Therapy is. Here’s a music video that tells all. (previously: Lee looking for help getting OT work)

Looking for Occupational Therapy Aide Job or Internship

This is very important to me. I’m looking for a job or internship as an Occupational Therapy Aide or Physical Therapy Aide. I’d love to hear from you if you can help. I need it to round out my experience before applying to graduate school. Last year I volunteered at a pediatric occupational therapy clinic […]

Submitted Occupational Therapy Master’s Program Application

With huge help from Megan, and her great friend Rachel, I submitted my application to the Samuel Merritt University Master of Occupational Therapy Program tonight!

Well On The Road to Becoming an Occupational Therapist

This week I finished my last class-work at San Jose State University toward my master’s degree in occupational therapy! The Road Behind Me: June 2011: needing a new professional life, my dad suggested a career in a medical field from an article he read in the local  newspaper. August 2011: Started three  years of part-time […]

Considering Radiation Therapy Technologist as a Career?

This fall I’ll be starting grad school, pursuing a Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy. This road began a few years ago when my dad, after seeing a newspaper article about the field of Radiation Therapy, suggested I consider it as a new career. The article said that the work was steady and the money good. […]

Looking for an Occupational Therapist!

I’m considering becoming an Occupational Therapist. If you are one or have a friend in the field, I would love to speak to them about it! If I go for it, there’s a master’s degree in my future that may take two years or more to get, so I want this to be a solid […]

Repetitive Strain Injury and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

A friend recently asked what I thought about his recent diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. Here’s my answer: The key part of a repetitive strain injury like carpal tunnel syndrome is that you are likely causing *repetitive*strain* on your body. For long term recovery, change your routines over the long term. Stretching helps but you’ve […]

Speech-to-Text Help?

I have good speech-to-text software and a very good noise-cancelling microphone. How do I tell the software, “Please only transcribe text from me, the loudest voice, and not anyone else in the room.” All the software is so eager to transcribe everything, it is useless unless I (or my students) am in a quiet room. […]

Paying for higher education with a Roth IRA

If you have been contributing to a Roth IRA and now you’re going back to school, you’ll want to read this! You can take out the money that you’ve put into the account to pay for higher education and pay no taxes or penalties! I know this works because I did it recently to cover […]

What do I do with Researchgate?

I really enjoyed the research portion of my occupational therapy master’s degree. I’m now a member of but I can’t figure out what it’s good for! Any thoughts?