
Results for fungus

Trying Coco Nail

I’m trying out a new nail fungus treatment tentatively called Coco Nail. It is from Biotectics. I’ve got nothing to say about it yet. We’ll see how it goes!

Funginix is a scam

In case you were thinking of trying Funginix, I would suggest that you not give those scamming scammers any money. Their website looks pretty but if you read it closely at all, you can see that they sound more like snake oil salesmen than sellers of a medical product. Their website is ridiculous. Let me […]

Nonyx Nail Gel: Part 4

Here is yet another followup post for my very popular and very useful “Nonyx Nail Gel” post. This topic has so many comments that it’s hard to sort through them, so here is another post. Before posting a question here, please check my other posts on nail fungus: Search my blog for the word “fungus”. […]

Fungavir Review: Meh

I tried Fungavir for my persistent toenail fungus yuckiness. It’s “too good to be true” claims are too good to be true. The website offers vaguely worded claims that it has special ingredients that get under the nail where other products fail. It does not. It works about as well as any other topical antifungal […]


Update 2-15-12: Read my full review of Fungavir. Text in bold italics below are updates. I had written a scathing post about Fungavir, calling it a scam. I’ve removed this post. I now think I was a little too aggressive in my wording. I spoke with one of the owners of Fungavir a couple days […]

Nonyx Nail Gel: Part 3

This is a followup to my first and second posts: Nonyx Nail Gel and Nonyx Nail Gel: Part 2. It’s gotten so many comments that it’s hard to sort through these older posts. Please make followup comments here. And don’t forget to read the original post and other related posts including Fungal Nail Infection Treatment […]

Fungisil is a Scam

Just do 5 minutes of googling and you’ll realize that Fungisil is a scam. It’s almost definitely made by the same people that make Zetaclear. Why do I say it’s a scam? The ingredient list has nothing but common, inexpensive ingredients like undecylenic acid (a good topical antifungal. Buy a lifetime supply for $20 at […]

Nonyx Nail Gel: Part 2

This is a followup to my first post: Nonyx Nail Gel. It’s gotten so many comments that it’s hard to sort through them. Please make followup comments here. And don’t forget to read the original post and other related posts including Fungal Nail Infection Treatment and Zetaclear. ————————————————– There are many discussions about nail fungus […]

Fungal Nail Infection Treatment

This feels a little like an “overshare” but hey… I’ve been documenting the treatments I’ve received for my fingernail and toenail fungal infection. Phew, I’ve tried a lot of drugs over the years for this stuff. In high school I had it on my right index finger, then it moved to other fingers, then disappeared […]


Zetaclear is a scam. To start with, just look at the ingredients in ZetaClear Clear Nails Solution  as mentioned on their website (in order of prevelance). Undecylenic Acid – Moderately effective. Available from your local Walgreens for $12 per ounce or so. It’s generally available in 10% or 25% strength. I wonder what % is […]