
Results for computer guy

Click Here October 2003: Protect Your Computer

This was my first article for The Panther, published October 2003. It’s pretty boring stuff, but a start to my writing. This didn’t have the “Click Here” title yet. Protect Your Computer By Lee C. Sonko Every few months there is another front-page news article about a computer virus that has cost untold damages to […]

One in a Hundred

An important lesson about people and business: From 2003 to 2005 I ran my own business fixing computers and such. I called it The Computer Guy, I had just finished fixing a client’s broken email program (Outlook) and was packing up. I watched as he shut off his Windows laptop by simply holding down the […]

From the Archive: I’m For Hire

In a fit of nostalgia, I’m going to leave this here… It’s a blog post I made around July 2005 that I had taken down for a long time. ————————————————– Lee isn’t quite a software engineer, and he’s not quite a sysadmin. He’s what you’d call a computer handyman. He shows up with his bucket […]

It’s All About The Journey!

Nine years ago I sent the following letter to my friends, telling them about how I was moving to the Bay Area to “follow my bliss”. I hadn’t thought about the letter since I wrote it. Last year my friend Vickie wrote to me, opening with, “This letter still inspires me”. I thought it would […]

Way too many bookmarks

They say you can peer into a man’s soul by looking at his bookmark file. Well, have a gander. To me, it looks like the yearly booksale at the library of Alexandria. Unfortunately it’s impossible for you my dear reader to tell which links I use all the time and which ones I’ve only visited […]

A Former Client of Mine has Died

I was just looking through some old email addresses I had. I recalled Bob Charmoy and his wife Diana. When I was The Computer Guy, I had gone to their house a few times to fix their computers. Bob was recovering from pancreatic cancer, no mean feat owing to the difficulty of treating it. He […]

Introduction: Click Here Articles from The Panther and Around The Greens

In the coming weeks, I will republish articles I wrote under the title “Click Here”. You can find them all under the Click Here Articles category in this blog. From 2002 to 2005, I worked with two publications, The Panther and Around The Greens. Actually, I helped quite a bit with them in addition to […]

Posts de-privatized

I had accidentally marked several blog posts as “Private”. That made it so I could read them but noone else could. Here are most of those posts, de-privatized: 3,000 Gallons of Propane View More Doings View My Style of Humor View Photo Credit View SpamAssassin, CRM114, Brightmail View Each City Has It’s Own Type of […]

Yellow Pages Salesman

This Yellow Pages salesman walks into a bar and says, “Hi, I’m Lee Sonko from Valley Yellow Pages.” It’s still kinda weird but it seems that I’ve changed careers again, from Software QA engineer at Politzer and Haney, Course Technology, Softkey Intl, Shiva, Picturetel, MCI/Newscorp Internet Ventures, American Internet, Riverton Software Corp, BGS, Firefly, ADP […]

Way too many bookmarks

I have waay too many bookmarks in Firefox. Here they are. Some I use 20 times a day, some I haven’t touched in years. I’ll let you figure out which is which.