
Results for backup

Why good backups are important nearly went from 70,000 users to outa-business in one foul moment due to an (inadvertent) lack of backups. Only due to the giving nature of their userbase who said, “We refuse to let you die!” did they not disappear in a flash. Couchsurfing Crash Story Below is a copy of the details of the […]

Using Cygwin, Rsync, SSH and the internet to backup my XP computer

Using Cygwin, Rsync, and SSH to backup my computer


I’m looking to backup my data. I’d love to hear comments from the peanut gallery Here’s what I’ve got so far: From the many many reviews I’ve read, Maxtor One Touch external drives have serious reliability issues. Don’t use. LaCie external drives are likely a good bet. Seagate too. My safe should be able to […]

Make Backups

You should backup all your data. I know that’s what I’m doing at this moment, after reading these stories of woe on engadget. I was going to quote all of the horrible stories for you until I realized that it was almost 800 kilobytes of stories. 582 entries in total. A lot of folks apparently […]

Installed WordPress Backup Scripts

Works like a charm. :-) Author: LaughingLizard ( Thanks LaughingLizard!

More with the Backups

cwRsync is a yet another packaging of Rsync and Cygwin. You can use cwRsync for fast remote file backup and synchronization boxbackup has been ported to cygwin on Windows!. It’s still in beta but this is looking like a real option. When I get a minute (yeah, right) I’ll try it out.

Backups with Computer Associates

CA has this big ad in eWeek Magazine for their backup software. So I asked them I am looking for a backup product capable of backing up from a Win XP computer to an untrusted Win XP or Linux machine on the internet. It should be possible to access the data on the untrusted machine […]

Backups, continued from yesterday

And then there’s Farsite (from the dates on the website, the project appears dead), xFS (dead and not what I’m looking for), Oceanstore (did I mention that already?),

On Automated Backups

I present to you the canonical backup story, in my own words (except for the part about it being canonical.. Those are TJIC’s words). At my last company, they spent 30 grand on a fancy-ass automated tape backup system. We had 3 full time IT people and 12 engineers (that is generally considered overkill on […]

Rclone is a Great Way to Move Files

Rclone is the right software to copy multi-terabyte file repositories from one place to another! It’s also very capable at rearranging files in lots of other different ways. Check it out. It’s something of a sister program to rsync on unix. I had to fiddle with rclone a bit. Here is the command I ended […]