
Results for Burning Man

What I’ve done recently

Friday the 22nd – Wait most of the day for and then receive the bulk of my stuff via UPS directly to my storage space. Saturday and Sunday the 23rd and 24th – take a welding class at The Crucible (the class ended up being not as educational as I had hoped) Tuesday the 26th […]

Moving to Bay Area

At the beginning of June, I’ll be moving to California, the San Francisco East Bay to be exact! Why am I moving? I’m moving to follow my bliss. Last summer I went to the Burning Man festival in Nevada, an event with a large population from the Bay Area. The event opened my eyes and […]

My Western Trip

The Burning Man experience has convinced me that I should look into moving west. I’m looking for a place that’s sunnier, a bit slower, a bit more hip and quite a bit hippier. From Feb 22nd til March 2nd, I’m going to be traveling in the areas between San Jose, San Francisco and Grass Valley, […]

Trip to California

I’ve booked a trip to San Fransisco. I’ve been doing a lot of internal searching since Burning Man and I’m considering moving someplace sunnier, more culturally alive and… hippier. Next month I’ll be flying from NJ to San Fransisco for 8 days. I’m going to rent a car, drive around and try to find out […]

Installed Bittorrent

I installed Bittorrent on my account. I may be volunteering a little technical help in distributing this year’s Burning Man Screen Saver for The Burning Man Screen Saver Project. I’m a bit excited since I submitted about 15 photos of my own to this year’s project. The Vault of Heaven screen saver is due […]

Lee’s Flying Page

(Originally from my flying website from 2005 or so. The original publish date is lost) Lee’s Flying page Links: My Flying Journal My Zagi Tips page My General Flying Tips page My R/C Shopping Guide My setup: 8-19-04 Bought from (I broke 1 of the 11×5.5 e props prop, and I can’t be without props for Burning Man! 4 props  11 x 5.5e  […]

Thinking Californian Thoughts

Since Burning Man, I’ve been thinking a lot about following my bliss and going to California. In short, I’m looking for a place that’s sunnier and hippie-er. CA is a big place. Where should I go? A couple people have suggested Grass City, CA. Jennifer L suggested Santa Fe NM as well. Stevie says Santa […]

Equinox 4 tent repairs

At Burning Man, the spider for my Eureka Equinox 4 tent broke (the spider is the piece at the top of the tent into which the 6 aluminum poles feed into and are held in place by). I can’t blame it, it broke during an all-day windstorm… constant 30-40 mph winds. So I ordered a […]

When late becomes early

When late becomes early I went into the city last nigh. Had a very nice time with Tara and Ross. And then I had to get home….. I left at 1:40am or so. Waited at the 34th St PATH stop for 20 minutes, waited at Journal Square for 15 minutes, got to my car exhausted.. […]

Mostly flying the Trick 1000

That crazy plane.. I’ve had some trouble with it. First I tried flying it with one 10-cell KAN-1050-knockoff pack. For the first flight, I tried taking off from the landing gear. Blech. It rolled. It went up, it twisted, it went down. I went to launch it again but when I held it in my […]