
Results for Burning Man

Shipyard Letter

The letter below from Chicken John is being circulated widely. Wide-eyed libertarian tendencies aside, I express skepticism that this situation can be resolved rationally given the part I highlighted below. That’s not to say Jim can’t pull something out of his sleeve. Heck, he’s been doing it for 5 years and rationality doesn’t have to […]

FLG and SWARM progress

I posted this to the FLG Lipstick list today :-) First some good news: SWARM, an offshoot project of FLG is a funded project for Burning Man 2007. The project is coming along very nicely. —————- Terrific news: The Serpent Mother will be going to the Fire Arts Festival in Oakland in July! […]

Ocean Beach Fire Pits

Last night I went to the opening of the Ocean Beach Fire Pits. Rbca and Yasi’s fire pit was ready and burning. There was another one there as well. :-) This is a huge thing. Public, utilitarian, (mostly privately) funded art made by my friends :-) Sorry I don’t have photos but here’s some extra […]

FLG made the cover of Leonardo

Leonardo is the Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology. It is put out by MIT Press. It isn’t the largest publication, but it is fairly prestigious. The Serpent Mother is going to be on the cover of Volume 40, Number 4, due out in August, 2007. Download large version of […]

The Artist Presently Known as Lee

Michael Prados, Jonathan Foote and I met with LadyBee and Crimson Rose of Burning Man today. Look what we signed :-) SWARM is a funded art project and I am named as the artist because I’m the money guy.

Droll Enviromental Spin

The theme for Burning Man this year is “The Green Man” which everyone keeps interpreting as “The Environmentally Sensitive Man” even though …. take a look at what Wikipedia has to say about the Green Man, you’ll notice that there is no mention of such. Well, I overheard this email on the interweb (when your […]

FLG Hands on Fire

I posted this recently to the FLG Lipstick List and FLG blog. Girl we’re busy! Here’s a lot of the work we’ve sunk our teeth into. A lot of what’s below is still tentative but you still deserve to know about it! A Spring Fundraiser – We’re working on having a party sometime soon. Calendar: […]

Serpent Mother

The Flaming Lotus Girls submitted our proposal to Burning Man for this year’s project! We are refining the Serpent Mother. She is going to be totally sweet. To see more, view the Serpent Mother 2007 Proposal The proposal itself has a lot of sexy art. Here are the Serpent Mother Proposal Credits

Burn Baby, Burn

There’s been all this talk about buying carbon credits for the Serpent Mother for Burning Man since she burns 500 gallons of propane per night. That’s right, 1 ton of pureed dinosaur per nocturne. And the new theme is “The Green Man” (here I was thinking that was all Walden-Thoreau-y “Man’s interaction with nature” and […]

Read the Back of Your Ticket

I bought 2 tickets to Burning Man this morning. This is what I agreed to: I agree to read and abide by all guidelines listed in the 2007 Survival Guide, and to the terms on the back of the 2007 ticket, which appear below: YOU VOLUNTARILY ASSUME THE RISK OF SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH BY […]