
Results for Burning Man


Internet Explorer viewers of this blog can now see what Firefox viewers have been enjoying for the last year or so… The green bar behind “” at the top of the blog wasn’t visible in IE til I fixed a .css file. Actually, the issue was that IE didn’t follow CSS specs, but it’s hardly […]

New Year Update

What’s going on in my life? Let’s see… I went back to New Jersey for a week for Christmas and got to see the most beautiful girl in the world. She’s got long strawberry blonde hair and is 4′ tall. That’s my 7 year old niece Julia. :-) I’m still working on the SWARM art […]

Flaming Lotus Girls Gallery Show

For my friends, here’s the short form: We’re having a big event at the SOMArts gallery in San Francisco on Friday November 30th from 7pm-1am. We’re setting up at least 1/2 of the Angel of the Apocalypse in the large interior space (the whole thing won’t fit!). SWARM is bringing several robots to entertain people. […]


Went to this last night. It was cool. They said a video of it will be on really soon. looks cool too….. “There are brilliant ideas, expressed everyday in public discussions and events, all over the world. Don’t miss them” Fire Arts & Burning Desires Flame as a creative medium with Burning Man […]

Why Cell Phones Kill Gorillas

At Burning Man, under the man there were a couple preachy signs. Here’s my favorite. Sorry it’s hard to read. I lost my digital camera at the Albertsons in El Cerrito on my way to Burning Man so all I had was my emergency film camera. I thought it was ludicrous at the time but […]

SWARM at Supper Club

Whether you haven’t quite decompressed from the Burn, or perhaps you missed this year’s trek to the desert, there’s one last opportunity to experience a little taste of the playa for 2007. On Saturday October 20th, XEssential presents, “Best of the Burn”- featuring some of the best music and art from Burning Man 2007. Bringing […]

We’re on TV!!

We’ve had a few TV mentions of late :-) Most notably, there’s a piece on Current.TV and this piece on the local news :-) Get the latest Flash Player to see this player. [Javascript required to view Flash movie, please turn it on and refresh this page] Richard Hart and his camera man came […]

Pop Rocks Strawberry Candy Powder -Bulk: 2LB Box

As a founding member of Low Key Peep Flambe Camp, it is my solemn responsibility to bring in the peeps (someone else handles bringing in the funk). While procuring our comestibles, I came across a most curious product. It is what appears to be a mammoth 2 lb box of Pop Rocks! How could I […]

Ill Vill

Though I’m not camping with Illumination Village at Burning Man this year, I am good friends with many people in the camp. Reading this internal announcement, I thought “Wow, that’s pretty cool.”

Fire Arts Festival Photos and Videos

We just finished running the Serpent at the Fire Arts Festival. It was a blast! Karen’s pix   A terrific (47mb) video by Olivier Bonin of the Serpent at the Crucible’s 2007 Fire Arts Festival The thing to watch!!   SF Chronicle coverage here and here (article title: “Hot-and-heavy sculpture gets artists warmed up Enormous […]