
Results for Burning Man


Oop, I haven’t updated my adoring public in a while. Here’s what’s been up recently, in no apparent order. Some of these items took up seconds of my time, some of them hundreds of hours. ————————————————– I was on the curatorial committee for the Robogames Art Competition with Marnia, Niladri and Corey. Marnia and I […]

How to get signature confirmation on your mail inexpensively

I wrote to Burning Man recently: I ordered 2 Burning Man tickets. They recently arrived and it had an Atomic Fireball in the envelope. I love the sentiment, thank you! It would be much appreciated if I had received one Fireball per ticket. That way, both my partner and I could have our Fireballs. Last […]

Tiltshift Maker

Squeee!! Tiltshift photography is so super-nifty! It, of course, reminds me of so many old Japanese monster movies done with models and incorrect camera lenses. applies a filter to your images to make a nice tiltshift effect. To do the real thing you need to build yourself a tilt-shift camera. Here is a […]

Doing Right Now

Sitting in the kitchen while VNCing into the bedroom on the snazzy-fast new UltraVNC 1.5.3. The smell of very successful home-made bread (NOT bread machine, the real deal) wafting over my shoulder… and [nom nom nom] the taste proves it :-)  Listening to SomaFM “Space Station Soma” station on my (very pretty!) new iPhone (thanks […]

6 Miles of Ribbon

You know how when you show up at Burning Man right at the beginning of the event… Monday at 8am and you go looking for a good place to camp and you get all depressed because  the whole frickin playa has already been marked off with rope? “Sorry, you can’t camp here, my friends will […]

Tips on Flying

I used my airline miles to reserve a flight to New Jersey to see family next week… First flight tip:  I went to American Airlines and was going to reserve seats last night but grumbled about having to redeem 50,000 miles + $60 instead of 25,000 miles to fly on the day I wanted (Sept […]

NIMBY in Crisis

via Lady Bee on the Burning Man Artists-Announce mailing list, From Rachael I wanted to make sure everyone here had heard about the current crisis being faced by one of the main art spaces in the Bay Area.  An incredible amount of Burning Man art has been produced there.  Read the note below to learn […]

Presenting SWARM at the Desert Arts Preview

Coreyfro and I will be making a 10 minute presentation about SWARM at the Burning Man Desert Arts Preview. Our presentation will be at 9:45 p.m. They might stream the video on the Burning Man web site but I don’t have any more information about that. Here is the schedule… Burning Man 2008 Desert Arts […]

A Work of Art That Can Probably Kill You [grin!]

Cracked Magazine did a piece called 5 Works of Art That Can Probably Kill You By Robert Brockway I’m proud and jumping-up-and-down happy to be part of a group and project that could read like that! W00t! Below is the Serpent Mother portion of the article. If you click on the image to the right, […]

Flaming Lotus Girls Fundraiser: Dust And Illusions 6-28-08

WATCH THE TRAILER SF-based, female-driven and fuel-powered art collective The FLAMING LOTUS GIRLS announce a benefit with the screening of “Dust And Illusions”, by director Olivier Bonin for our mega fire-art project MUTOPIA, destined for the playa of Black Rock City 2008. All proceeds go directly to the Flaming Lotus Girls. PLEASE SAVE THE DATE!! […]