
Results for Burning Man

As Seen in the Jack Rabbit Speaks

I just noticed this in the latest Burning Man “Jack Rabbit Speaks” [BManUpdate] V15:#10:03.24.11 Burning Man Update: The Jack Rabbit Speaks Volume 15, Issue #10 March 24, 2011 THE CRUCIBLE OFFERS COURSES IN ELECTRONIC CONTROL OF FLAME EFFECTS Our friend Steve Young sends us this about a course at The Crucible in Oakland that miiiight […]

Notes from Paris

I went to Paris, France on business a couple weeks back. Here are some more notes from the trip. Previously, Previously. Had a crepe formage 2 blocks from Notre Dame :-) Notre Dame is pretty awesome. The structure totally rivals the Taj Mahal, which I had the pleasure of seeing in February. Personally, I liked […]

Flame Effects Class at the Crucible

Liam and Rich tag-teamed the week-long Electronic Controlled Flame Effects class last week at The Crucible. They both said it went really well. I was originally going to teach it but I just started my job with Earthmine and was travelling for work. Rich was disappointed that there wasn’t enough time to teach all the […]

Hey, That’s Me on that Giant Flower

I just installed the 2007 Burning Man Screen Saver and noticed a photo with me in it. I remember that moment well. For a long while (10 minutes? an hour? it’s hard to tell on the playa) I sat up there during this dust storm. For much of it, my perch was just a few […]


Please note that I wrote this post very recently after my trip to India. A year later, I am much more mellow and positive about the trip. I certainly was an experience in a foreign country! – Lee March 2011 a friend just asked about my recent trip to India. 3 friends and I took […]

A Really Good Serpent Mother Video

  local version:

SWARM at Techkriti, Kanpur India!

Along with 3 friends, I am will be presenting SWARM at the Techkriti Annual Technology and Entreprenurship Festival February 11-14th, 2010 in Kanpur India! Dr Jonathan Foote, Marnia Johnston, Niladri Bora and I will be exhibiting SWARM throughout the entire festival. On February 13th we will present our talk. We are greatly honored to be […]

Lee Recommends Toys

Man, time flies… When I wrote this 8 years or so it was useful, fun stuff. But now I’ll just relegate it to the data pile. I updated it in 2005 but… feh, don’t read this, it’s old and most of my recommendations don’t hold true any more. Lee Recommends Toys [last reviewed (poorly) 9-16-05 […]

Illumination Village Honors

After having my bike stolen at Burning Man, I bemoaned to my friends that I now lived in Walk-in camping with no easy way to get there. A 10 minute bike ride is pleasant, a 35 minute walk is not.  My friends welcomed me into Illumination Village at 4:50 and Esplanade :-). It took a […]

Brown Chicken Brown Cow!!

Aaaa! CTP, I need to own this button! At the beginning of Burning Man this year, a woman told me this joke. vowed that I would retell it to as many people as I possibly could. I’d let it spark conversations and start a revolution.  I ended up retelling it to maybe fifty or a […]