Archive for the ‘Wordpress’ Category.

600 Comment Spams per day

I’m now getting 600 comment spams per day. Phew. Spam Karma is keeping up with them but jeez….

If you leave a comment and get a crazy error, don’t worry. Spam Karma’s Captcha test is broken somehow. If you get the error, it means Spam Karma tried to give you the Captcha test but barfed. I’ll get around to “approving” your comment in a day or three. Sorry about the inconvenience.

 update 6-22-07:   I fixed the captcha test a while back.

Installed WP-DB-Backup 1.7

The old backup program had some issue when I moved servers. This one doesn’t have any issues. I didn’t install the very latest 1.7, I installed a slightly older one because it wasn’t compatible with WP1.5


Subscribe to Comments Upgraded to 2.0.7: Not

Subscribe to Comments Upgraded to 2.0.7.

Update: Oop. Subscribe to Comments 2.0.7 is broken. I’ve disabled the feature til I can get it working again.

Update: I rolled back to a previous version of Subscribe to Comments because WP 1.5 doesn’t support… I forget.. something or another. And I’m not upgrading to 2.0 for a while.

WP-Cache upgraded

Dreamhost has been running kinda slow recently. So I took the time to figure out why my wp-cache wasn’t working. WP-Cache is a WordPress plugin that caches database calls so that WordPress runs way faster. Instead of it doing about 60 database queries to fetch all the blog info, it looks in the cache and if the page has already been created, it serves it as a flat text file.

It didn’t work correctly… The first time I’d go to a blog page, I would see a blank page. The second time it worked fine. I found some advice in a comment on the author’s website to fix this problem.

The advice is:

To fix the blank page issue modify wp_cache_ob_end() in wp-cache-phase2.php to use ob_end_flush() instead of ob_end_clean(). Works for a setup using PHP 5.1.2, MySQL 5.0.18, WP 2.01 and WP-Cache 2.0.17.

So I went to the wp-cache-phase2.php file and changed

if ($new_cache) {


if ($new_cache) {

It works :-)
I’m running wp-cache 2.0.17 on WordPress 1.5.2

200 Comment Spams per Day

I have been getting about 200 comment spams per day for a while now. Spam Karma has stopped 100% of them. 30,000 at last count. I get about 3 “please moderate this comment” notices from Spam Karma per week. So far, all of them have been spams as well.

Spam Karma is good. Thanks Dr Dave. I’ve already put money in his tip jar.

Installed Multi-Topic Icon

You’ll notice little icons next to each post showing what category it’s in. That’s due to Multi-Topic Icon.

Old Journal Imported into WordPress

"SebastianBassi" from and just finished pulling some 400 old posts from my pre-Wordpress journal into WordPress. I’ve now got 803 posts in WP. :-) It involved him doing a lot of manual file renaming, slight modification of HTML by hand and moving files around. It would have been a big bother for me. He did it for less than $200. I still had to do like 2 hours of review work and pointing out things he missed. But I'd recommend him. 

The War on Comment Spam

I just gave another donation to Dr. Dave in the fight against comment spam.

New Photos

I swapped out the photos in the upper right corner of the blog. I’ve had Burning Man 2005 photos up for a couple months. Now we’ve got photos mostly taken from the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day site.

Note that you can click on the photos to enlarge them.

I changed the color scheme of the last few months from that brash green to flat gray.

Installed Brian’s Latest Comments