Archive for the ‘Wordpress’ Category.

Installed New Random Image

The Random Image script that I had gotten from Photomatt was ok but it isn’t able to show images when it’s run from alternate folders.

I’ve replaced Matt’s script with a slightly modified version of Matthew Dingley’s Random Image Generator. The code is a bit more elegant, runs quicker and it runs from arbitrary locations.

I’m very happy with the new script. You can view the results in the upper right corner of each blog page.

Here is the source code for it.

New blog colors

The new green color theme is an attempt to harness the powers of springtime. I dunno. Maybe I should go back to the drawing board.

Installed WP Paginate

WP Paginate from Scriptygoddess because my beloved Page Navigation doesn’t work with WP 1.5.

Installed WordPress 1.5

Feel the love…. I guess. So far it seems like 6 of one, half a dozen that have to be hauled in from the garage… of another. I’m sure I’ll appreciate it soon… after I’m done picking all my plugins up off the floor. Hurumph.

WordPress 1.2.2 bug: RSS and Atom feed apostrophe issue

If I put a number and then an apostrophe in the body of my blog, it breaks the RSS and Atom feed but not the RSS2 feed.

1′ breaks the feed
2′ breaks the feed
a’ doesn’t break the feed.

(you might notice that my RSS and Atom feeds are currently showing an “Error: XML Parse Error” error. That’s because of this post.)

WP 1.5 just came out this week so I won’t bug the developers about it. In a month or three (after they’ve worked the bugs out of it… there are always bugs) I’ll probably install it.

Installed Nice Titles

When you mouseover items in the blog, they now look a bit snazzier. This is due to Nice Titles.

It uses Javascript to snaz-up the title field of a link. I like that the site still works perfectly well without the script…. but the snazzing is well appreciated.

I was also going to use the nice looking semi-transparent .png from the site above (here’s a great transparent PNG maker) but Internet Explorer 6 doesn’t properly support transparent .png files Phoey on them! There are ways around this problem, by using the IE AlphaImageLoader Filter, but it’s a pain in the neck. I’m not much interested in jumping through Bill’s hoops when an internet standard exists and Bill doesn’t follow it. Besides, you know that such a browser-specific solution will require upkeep. Just like when IE 5.5 came out and my old company, Wavexpress had to scramble to re-write web pages because the new version of… I think it was I-Frames, wasn’t compatible with the old. We were working directly with Microsoft engineers on our project and we hadn’t gotten even a 1 day’s heads-up that the new release of IE was coming or that it might mess anything up. So Phoey on Bill.

There’s even a petition with 20,000 signatures asking Bill to put this promised native functionality into IE.

I kinda like the look. What do you think?

Installed Random Image

VC said that my new blog lacked color. She missed the image at the top. So I’m putting a random image thingie at the top. :-)

Shortly you’ll be able to click on the thumbnails to see the full images. I might eventually get around to putting up some real gallery software.

Thanks to Photomatt for the script. Though I instantly noticed that this script doesn’t let me link to images from thumbnails, it just displays them.

update 5-10-05 See New Random Image.

Nicer Stylesheet

I’m liking WordPress a lot but the default stylesheet is far from ideal. Well, I guess it’s a matter of preference and customizations… Well, the new style sheet gives nice clean lines. I’m sure it’s a never ending project.

Mouseover DOM Inspector

I just found this gosh-darn useful Javascript tool. It’s good for helping to lay out your web page, or understand someone else’s page structure.


This favelet allows you to view the properties of any HTML element on a page simply by mousing over the element. The element will be given a gray background, and a DIV element that trails the mouse cursor will contain the element type along with all of the specified attributes of the element.
Hit the “esc” key to turn the favelet off.
Right click on the following link and select “Add to Favorites” or “Bookmark this Link”, depending on your browser.
Mouseover DOM Inspector

Installed Google Ads

I’m such a sellout. But hey… I tried out Google Ads on my Hampsterdance page about a month ago and I’ve ALREADY MADE OVER $0.74 in clickthru advertising!! Hampsterdance is the most popular link on my whole site so I don’t expect to rake in quite so much from the rest of the site.. but hey.

The ads appear in the right column, below my links and such.

2-5-04 update: I removed them from my blog. It just doesn’t seem right.