Archive for the ‘Wordpress’ Category.

How Does the Site Work? Plugin and Mods Rundown

“Lee, you sure use a lot of plugins on your site. Could you give me a list of all of them?”
“Sure thing. I’ll give you the whole rundown..
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Installed NoNoFollow Plugin

The NoNofollow plugin

…is a very simple WordPress-plugin to remove rel=’nofollow’ (as proposed by Google) from links in comments in WP’s output.

This plugin checks the date of any comment and removes rel=’nofollow’ if the comment is older than a configurable number of days. This gives the site admin a chance to remove comment spam whithout the risk of Google following the links.

This will hopefully make hyperlinks in comments and on my site more relevant to search engines. It offers encouragement to legitimate commenters to post legitimate links on the site.

update 10-29-05: Nonofollow wasn’t working correctly all the time and I didn’t bother to figure out why so I’ve switched to a different nofollow plugin, DoFollow. I’ve tried it out and it works very well. Note that it is a filter plugin… it doesn’t alter the database like NoNoFollow (I believe) attempts to do. This is probably a good thing from a forward compatibility standpoint.

Installed Suggest Plugin

Now, when you do a search and pause for a second, the search bar will drop down some suggestions of what you might be looking for… things that are in my blog. This is derivative of Google’s (eerie but cool) Suggest site. This plugin comes from David Linsin.

Subscribe to my blog

Installed WP-Cache-2

The blog has been running a little slow so I…. what should I do? Let’s see….

Install a plugin!

WP-Cache-2 stores blog pages for quick retrieval. It theoretically only takes 0.5 seconds or so off the creation time of the pages but (if my estimations are correct) it’s actually bringing load times from 5 seconds down to 2. Images take just as long to load but the text appears quicker. I’ll work on that.

update 9-28-05 This plugin isn’t compatible with my Theme Switcher. I’ll leave the Cache and dump the theme switcher.

Installed Adhesive Plugin

Installed Adhesive Plugin. This lets me make posts “sticky”… staying as the first post in my blog, regardless as to when it was posted.

I know I’m addicted to WordPress plugins. And that’s the first step in beating it.

Installed Search Meter Plugin

So I can see what my adoring fans are searching for on my blog.

Upgraded to Spam Karma 2.0

Spam Karma 1 beta 2 has been very good to me, only letting through a couple false negatives and almost no false positives. But it’s good to be pro-active about comment spam. Spam Karma works.

I just installed Spam Karma 2. First impression: The new Spam Karma has a lot of knobs and buttons! This is industrial grade stuff.

I even went all wacky and turned Pingbacks and Trackbacks on.

If your comment gets inappropriately eaten by SK or you’re having any trouble, ping me.

Installed Subscribe2 Plugin

I installed the Subscribe2 plugin by Scott Merrill. It lets viewers subscribe to an email version of my blog. You can probably see a link to it in the sidebar. Or here.

Installed Enhanced Post List Plugin

Enhanced Post List by Brian “ColdForged” Dupuis is similar to “Paged Comment Editing”.

It’s a good thing