Archive for the ‘Reading, Watching, Listening’ Category.

Psychos in Love

Speaking of classic movies, Psychos in Love is an all-time favorite of mine.

That is the VHS tape I used to own. Since I don’t have a VHS player any more, I figured I’d spread the love and wait for it to come out on DVD. :-)

Time Barbarians

5 Stars. Up there with Deathstalker. Not quite Evil Dead, but fun. I want to see this movie played at Bad Movie Night at the Dark Room. It was just wonderful/awful. I appreciate all the good that this movie has to offer.

Farewell, My Subaru

I just finished reading “Farewell, My Subaru” by Doug Fine.

I don’t like his writing style at all. He mixes exaggeration, humor, and supposed facts such that you can never tell what is true. He’ll be narrating about what he is doing, standing working on a project and then mention someone that has apparently been standing next to him for the last hour, only we did not know.

He throws in these stupid “facts” all over the place in pull-outs that piss me off. For example on page 139 he is talking about that toxic purple PVC cement used to join water pipes and he interjects

A Finnish Company called Uponor makes a piping material called Aquapex that “doesn’t leach toxics into your water”…

That’s wonderful except that the pipes are made with polyethylene which might be less toxic… or not. So he is implying that there is a better, safer product only he’s not using it. He doesn’t explain why.

On page 152 there is another pull-out

Farmers in Virginia are testing poultry waste as a biofuel.

Of course what he is trying to imply is that chicken crap should be used as fuel instead of oil. The trouble is, they can test all they want, until those Virgina farmers make a viable, affordable fuel, he’s not saying anything.

Like most wide-eyed, staunch liberals, he puts a lot of blame on others. He talks at great length as to how WalMart is the enemy but his reasons come down to, “Because it’s WalMart, man!” To be fair, he also talks about the long distances the products travel to market and the Chinese people employed in their manufacture. I’d say that 1-Transportation fuel is currently relatively cheap, otherwise we wouldn’t import from China. 2-All those Chinese would be out-of work if we didn’t buy their products.

I was happy to see that at the end of the book, his suggestions for a better future didn’t come down as if from a manifesto but from a heartfelt desire to do the right thing. He gave some useful, if obvious suggestions to help keep local economies local.

Farewell, My Subaru paraphrased:

Live on a farm, it’ll be an adventure. Drive a vegetable oil powered car, while I know it won’t go too far to saving the world, it’ll be an adventure. If you have the space, getting a solar powered water heater works pretty good (and it’ll be an adventure). Solar electric is expensive but works pretty good. Owning goats and chickens is an adventure. Buy local, make what you can local, you’ll be better for it.


Saw WALL-E with Charlotte Friday night. Very enjoyable. Reminds me of Charlie Chaplin.   :-)

Copyright Law

Want to learn about Copyright Law? Read this: (local copy)
Copyright Law Second Edition by Robert Gorman

I found it at the Federal Judicial Center.

The Space Shuttle Makes Me Sick

I was wondering today, “What exactly is the purpose of the International Space Station and all those Space Shuttle trips for upkeep? Aren’t those flights really really really expensive?”

A pretty convincing answer comes from Maciej Ceg?owski. In short: government space-cheese. They could be doing potentially useful things, but instead “…the skeleton crew on the ISS has been fixing toilets, debugging laptops, changing batteries, and speaking to the occasional elementary school over ham radio.” I want my ten billion dollars back.

This is a really good article. Read A Rocket to Nowhere.

Babylon 5: The Lost Tales

Last year there was a new Babylon 5 movie/show, “Babylon 5: The Lost Tales”. Charlotte and I saw it last month on Netflix and we quite liked it. It got poor reviews on IMDB and Netflix but we both agreed it was probably because people’s reminiscence of the original series. Everything is better in retrospect…

Army of Darkness: Sweded

My friend Will and the rest of Meerkat Manor made this. It’s pretty fun.. I dig Sweded movies :-)

local version:

9 Beet Stretch

Jon’s blog pointed out 9 Beet Stretch. It’s Ludwig van Beethoven’s ninth symphony stretched to 24 hours, without pitch distortion. The podcast is nice music to hardly listen to. :-)

Being There

I saw Being There with Peter Sellers the other night. I loved it absolutely. We all live in our own private world, don’t we?