Archive for the ‘Reading, Watching, Listening’ Category.

Movies Seen: Batman:The Dark Knight and V For Vendetta

Batman: The Dark Knight on 2-27-09. Intense. Quite a ride

V For Vendetta 3-28-09. I came out of the movie thinking it was completely excellent. After a few minutes of mulling I can think of many plot holes and unexplained bits. So I’ll just say that the theme and visual elements of the movie were excellent. A little something was missing… maybe it got lost on the editing room floor? Still a worthwhile movie!

Recent Movies: X Men 2, XMen 3, Star Trek

Primer at the recomendation of Warren Lynch (film maker). It was really good and entertaining.

X Men 2 and X Men 3 – Jeez, they are scary violent. I mean, when you go up against Wolverine, he doesn’t knock you out or paralyse you or anything; he puts 6 long metal blades into you and moves them in opposing directions with superhuman strength. He kills you. And the ending of X Men 3… yow, Jean Grey uses telekinesis to tear everyone in a 100 yard radius into what look like 1/4″ blobs of flesh.

Star Trek. Saw it at the Metreon on the IMAX screen last night with Brenden, Charlotte, Jon F and Rick T. Wow. This is the summer’s blockbuster. Very heavy on the attitude, energy, emotion and visuals. A couple plot holes but that’s not what the movie was about. It was more about getting kick-ass backstories for the ST:TOS characters that we thought we already knew and loved.  This morning I was exhausted; I think it was because the movie took it out of me. Phew!

The Ferocious Few

On my home from work on April 1 I came across the Ferocious Few rocking hard in front of the Montgomery Street BART station. They really rock.

Caminantes de la Tierra: More Wonderful

This is a followup to my first post about this event.

The second amazing thing I experienced at  Caminantes de la Tierra was Israel Haros. He read a poem to the audience near the beginning of the show and followed that up with this very intense performance that I’m just going to have to experience again to fully get the gist of.

Very cool.


Much of Lulacruza’s music is available online on their website.

Lulacruza Caminantes de la Tierra: Wonderful

Last week I saw Lulacruza performing with several performance artists. The show was fantastic.lulacruza

One of the most notable aspects of the show was what I’m calling the “Visible Dancer”. It was performed by Diana Suarez-Vargas, a Bay Area dancer and multimedia artist.  

A dancer in a darkened theater. She started low, sliding around the stage mostly sitting down. Behind her the video screen was dark except for a few faint red wisps. As she moves around to the music  I can see that there is a small video screen on her chest. It is showing many flowing abstract images. As she becomes more animated, the purpose of the screen in her chest becomes clear, it is showing what is going on inside her… it’s a window into her heart. That might seem hokey until you actually see it. It’s amazing.

The screen behind her continued to show vague outlines until she begins dancing more and more animatedly. Eventually I can make out wispy outlines of a dancer on the screen. I realize that the screen is showing a kind of spiritual x-ray of the dancer before me.

The effect is profound. The dancer and the x-ray are not entirely in time with one another… as is appropriate for trying to capture such energy. Sometimes the dancer leads, sometimes the x-ray. Sometimes the image fades and I see other things. I think the x-ray isn’t capturing the dancer’s motion but her intention.

As she moves, the heart window changes. Sometimes looking like flowing silk, sometimes almost dark and empty, sometimes I can see flames through the window as if I’m looking through the open door of a furnace. This is very intense.

More about the show

Wuala – a distributed file system

In this video, one of the creators of Wuala gives a pretty good explanation of reed-solomon error correction and erasure codes.

Movies and Plays!

When Charlotte’s family was here, we all went to see  Wicked  at the Orpheum Theater. It was really quite a show!


The 5,000 Fingers of Dr T on 3-1-09. Pretty fun. Pretty trippy.

Muppets from Space on 3-1-09. Nope, it didn’t have the spark that Jim Henson brought to the Muppets. Pandering to children doesn’t make for good programming for children or adults.

Howls Moving Castle on 3-8-09. Good anime. Weird plot as is usual of Japanese.

Star Trek: Nemesis on 3-something-09. Kinda weak. At least it had lasers and the Enterprise smashing into stuff. “Hey, we found all these parts of a robot that look just like Data, let’s put him together and see what happens! Hey, we’ve got a robot that looks like Data only dumber, let’s download the full and complete memories of a Starfleet officer into him and see what happens! “Hi, I’m Data and I’m gonna die but that’s ok because there’s BACKUP DATA!” Oof.

Oh and remember how the Enterprise smashed into that other ship? Wouldn’t like 1/4 of the crew of the ship have been killed? I mean, 1/4 of the saucer was completely smashed. In mourning for Data, did Picard forgot to mourn the 200 or so people he killed. Or maybe the ship has airbags. Yeah, that’s it.

Doctor Horrible. I’ve rewatched this thing so many times. I rewatched it with friends on Saturday night. Joss Whedon is in my pantheon.

Movies of Late

Thank You For Smoking – I loved this movie! Laugh out loud funny and wry. Charlotte wasn’t nearly as into it as I but she liked that I liked it.

300 – Very cool. And darned if it isn’t historically accurate.


Wow, 3-D movies might just have come of age. I saw Coraline at the Alameda theater with Charlotte, Vevi and Rick the other night. The movie was such a terrific escape. They didn’t overuse the 3D and, just as importantly, it didn’t give me a headache.


I recently finished listening to an excellent audio version of Sun Tsu’s The Art of War. Wow, extremely worthwhile but watch out or you’ll start seeing the world in very extreme terms.

Just before that, I finished listening to  Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle. Bokonon is a bastard. I like him, I think.

A few nights ago I went to a Pecha Kucha event with Charlotte and Barry Cogbill. I think I would have liked it better without the loud, incessent backbeat the DJ added to everything. Though I suppose we sat too close to the speakers. I like the idea though.

I’ve been babysitting a bit. Tuesday and Wednesday. Tommy and I practiced spinning bamboo sticks, started a crystal growing kit growing, tried working out a way that he wouldn’t automatically win at his favorite game Heroscape, found out where the hidden laundry chute door is, re-worked some of his Mission to Mars Lego sets into cooler configurations (skeleton-footed rocket-pack aside), learned some karate, got really good at ReMovem on the iPod (knocking his sister’s scores off the high-scores), and all around had a good time. Phew and that was in just 2 days.

I applied for a job with Michael’s company, Earthmine. Taking apart and rewiring fancy SLR cameras. It might have worked out but unfortunately (for me) a guy with an EE degree and a willingness to do the work presented himself well :-(

Rich Humphrey had hired me 1 or so days per week to help with computer stuff. It really had the potential to go someplace but just two days ago his largest client didn’t get the funding it needed so they are likely folding / massively contracting soon… and Rich’s company is going into hibernation. :-(

Last night Rich came to the SWARM meeting and I think really pointed the group in a good direction, toward very accessible robotics for the masses. :-)

With all this laid-off-edness, I still never get enough time to work on the T. Pen!