Archive for the ‘Product Reviews’ Category.

What Phone Do I Get?

After 2 years, my iphone 3G is dying. The battery life is trailing off and it is getting stupidly slow.

(update: the battery life isn’t quite as bad as I originally thought. I had accidentally left “Email Push” on for the last few weeks, which leaves me with 30% battery after a day of not using the phone at all. Without Push, I’m left with 70%.)

So what new phone do I get? The obvious contenders are iphone 4 and HTC Aria

I’d like to stay with AT&T because
* nice keeping my combined phone bill combined
* I’ve got good AT&T service in all the places I go

HTC Aria:
Pros: Open
Cons: possibly crashes a lot, possibly poor battery life, Entirely creepy Droid marketing still has me freaked out about the whole Android platform.

Apple not allowing reviews of their phone on the AT&T website

iphone 4:
Pros: solid platform(?)
Cons: itunes is the worst media player and sync app ever, draconian dark ops feel to the company, walled fucking garden, disallowing reviews of their products on the AT&T website (see image), Apple not admitting to important problems with their product, the phone slowing down for no good reason after 2 years, possibly poor battery life?

So, which phone do I get?

Tron Legacy: Awful

Remember how the first Star Trek movie dragged? It was like that.

But I had trouble with a lot more than that. Here’s a start.

Sucky dialog, a lack of wit, interest, depth…. there were 2 remotely interesting lines in the movie. At one point Flynn says “the only way to win is not to play” which reminded me of “The only winning move is not to play” from Wargames. Though I think the screenwriters didn’t know what they were stuffing in his mouth. The other good line… well it couldn’t have been too good because I don’t remember it any more

Lack of visual imagination: What do you remember from the visual language of the original Tron? Neon clothing, light cycles, red stompy-ships, a grid-city, white flower-transport ships. Those are the ONLY visuals in the entire movie! Oh except for Flynn’s house which looked like, well, some guy’s neon zen retreat house. And the night club which looked suspiciously like Barbie’s Dream House painted white.

Cardboard characters: And I care about any of these characters why? If they ever talked, or had histories, or friends, I might care.

Ponderous pacing: If I see one more group of silent, angry men stomping down one more frigging generic glowing hallway!

Stupid lines:”Where did you learn that move, Sam?” “Last night when I jumped off Encom tower.” Umm, no he didn’t, that’s where he executed his carefully planned sabotage plan, not where he learned how to do it. The entire script was built on non-content like this.

There were innumerable times when they could have kept the plot tight or at least smooth but chose to not explain the world and just pull shit out of their asses when they remembered they needed to get to the end of the movie.

And little shit like when Clu blew up Zeus’s club. The editing leads us to believe that Zeus sat around staring at the timed explosives, waiting to die for the minute or two it took Clu to leave. But if Clu wanted Zeus dead, he obviously would have killed him by his own hand, that is how Clu operates, in first-person. The way Clu “killed” Zeus in the movie is… it just makes no sense.

Clu stood before his army giving a loooong boring monomaniacal speech. Why except to scare all the 12 year olds in the audience? It certainly wasn’t for his inexplicably slave-like army of programs. And why would he have amassed his army at this moment if his (as stated!) goal was to just get into the real world? And how was he planning on bringing his army through the basement of the arcade without any reconnaissance?

And what the fuck was with a faceless Tron having all these silly cameos? Especially considering that they had Bruce Boxleitner (Tron from the old movie) standing RIGHT THERE.

Not using the medium properly: The movie opened with a long flashback to 1989 when a young Flynn is tucking his son into bed. Disney created a (mostly) realistic, animated Flynn for the scene so they could have a young Jeff Bridges. Unfortunately, this animated face is still in deep, dark folds of the uncanny valley. Then they used the EXACT SAME ANIMATED FACE for Clu inside the grid, which could be kind of cool because he looks ALMOST real but is superfreaky-not-real and scary, just the way he should look. But they used the same effect for the young Flynn! What am I supposed to take away from this? It just makes no sense.

Tron? Troff!

Black Jack Justice: Journeys End = AWESOME

I listen to a lot of podcasts and audiobooks. By far the most entertaining  audio program I have listened to in a very long time is Black Jack Justice #36 – Journeys End.

Want to make your next drive go by just like that? Download and burn this radio play today!

The bad news:  This appears to be the very last episode of the series. I certainly miss it!

The good news: Listening to this episode won’t cramp your enjoyment of the other 35 episodes!

A Good Place to Buy Office Furniture

BT Express Liquidators 166 Baypointe Pkwy, San Jose, CA
We just got several large tables for the Hardware group at Earthmine. $350 each instead of $1000+ new. Nice and super sturdy. You never know what they’ll have though… they really are office liquidators!

Looking for a Dentist in Berkeley

I just started a job in Berkeley and I’d like to get my teeth cleaned et all. Do you have any recommendations for a good dentist?

Bacheeso’s for Lunch in Berkeley

I just got back from Bacheeso’s in Berkeley.
Good food!
Here’s what I put on Yelp:
2501 San Pablo Ave
Berkeley, CA 94702
(510) 644-2035
5 stars

Terrific lunchtime buffet! You could eat decadent or healthy as you saw fit! Many very friendly homestyle dishes in the buffet.  :-)

Inexpensive, $7.95 + tip for the buffet which included desert items, salads, main dishes and soup :-)

Really Happy with this Landline Long Distance Phone Provider

I’m really happy with the long distance landline telephone service I’ve gotten from ECG. I signed up for their service like 4 years ago and it “just works” the way phone service should. Sign up and I’ll buy you a burrito. Here’s how to sign up.

My New iPhone sucks

This is exactly what IOS4 did to my 3G iPhone, no exaggeration.

local version:

I called Apple again today to try and resolve this problem. I was on hold for 13 minutes. “Ryan” came on and the call quality immediately went to crap. The call failed after a few seconds. I’ll call back later after my phone rage has subsided.

It is rage because I got this phone because it “just works”. But last week Steve Jobs broke my phone and the best answer I’ve gotten so far is “Well, it was an optional update so we won’t support it.” (yes, exact words). Me along with a million other people got your fucking^W update. I paid to live in a walled garden and now the gardeners are telling me in no unambiguous terms that it is their right to burn down the garden and make me buy another one. The evil Droid phone is starting to look pretty good.

iPhone 4.0 update is slow. Do not upgrade

I just got off the phone with Apple support who said, “You installed the 4.0.1 upgrade for your iPhone 3G? Ha! Sucker! You are so screwed and there is no unscrewing that pooch!”

After the upgrade, my iPhone does everything much slower. The rep told me, “yes, it’s much slower… It was an optional update so we’re not responsible… If you try to downgrade, you’ll brick your phone.” I embellished that first quote but the second one is pretty much word for word.

If you have an iPhone 3G like me, DO NOT get the 4.0 update. It offers no improvements, only a huge performance hit. For example, it now take 8-14 seconds to start my calendar app, making it MUCH less useful than the previous 4 second startup time.

I will call Apple a few more times and if it keeps looking like Apple really has pulled the trigger on a planned obsolescence program for this 1.5 year old device, I will dump Apple for another platform. Eff you right back Steve Jobs.

Movies from my India Trip

On my flight from San Francisco to India and back in February, I had a LOT of time to watch movies. And it did.

Gi Joe: Rise of Cobra – splosions! Lots of splosions!

The Invention of Lying – a totally awesome and fun one trick pony

Astro Boy – awful

Love Happens – I really enjoyed it! A bit disjointed but I saw through that

All About Steve – a mistake. Poor plot, direction, script. 25 minutes was wayyy enough of that

Imagine That – 30 seconds strongly suggested that it was a bad “hilarity ensues” movie

Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs – slapstick comedy for the 5-12 set. Not for grown ups.

Management – I gave it 15 minutes. Feh, it’s another blandly plotted Jennifer aniston movie

District 9 – wholely incomplete :-(. Unhappily amoral. Filled with dumb humans and aliens, pretty much too dumb to be believable.

Terminator Salvation – the first 15 minutes demonstrated poor storytelling. 20 minutes in, they gave a magic skynet shutdown code to only O’Connor, wha??? It’s a total retread but it has enough explosions to make up for it