Archive for the ‘Product Reviews’ Category.

I heard about Pandora on Inside the Net with Amber MacArthur (and Leo Laporte. It’s an internet radio player with a powerful recomendation engine behind it. All I know is that it plays a really good music fer free. And it runs inside Flash so even Trav can use it if he’s got speakers.

Bad Reynolds Aluminum Foil Box

I sent this complaint to the Reynolds aluminum foil people on 12-13-05. They mailed me back a coupon for free Reynolds foil last week. No word on modifying their boxes.
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Electric razors going downhill a bit

I wrote the letter below to Norelco / Philips about an electric razor I got for my dad for Christmas.

I got a note back a few days later saying, “I am forwarding your comments to our product developement team.” :-)

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The Do Not Call Registry works

I’m working at home today. My new landline phone has been ringing off the hook all day with telemarketer calls. In the last 4 hours, I’ve gotten Comcast, MCI, the California Professional Firefighters Association (a scam if I ever heard one) and innumerable automated-dialer hangups.

I’m signing up for the National Do Not Call Registry today but it takes 3 months for that thing to kick in. Hurumph.

Let’s see how a running tally goes
4:15pm California Organization of Police and Sheriffs
1-11-05 8:30am neighborhood by mci

Kiji Sushi Bar

(attn. doubters) I went for a walk tonight and found my local sushi restaurant. Kiji on Guerrero and 22nd. Super high quality. Authentic. Comfortable. Friendly. Fairly expensive.

The place has been there only barely longer than I have been in my new place.

At the prompting of my neighbor at the bar Jeremy and the guy at the end of the bar, I had saba (mackerel), uni (sea urchin) and sake. It was as excellent sashimi should be, a symphony to the senses.

I’ll be back.

PS. -This- is why SF is an expensive city. Sanctuaries like this command your attendance.

Don’t use All Temp Service of Hackettstown NJ

I would dissuade you from using All Temp Service of Hackettstown NJ for your plumbing and HVAC needs. I wrote the letter below to All Temp and called several times for a followup. I received no response whatsoever, though their answering service knows me well now.

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Online Gambling or Vital Financial Tool?

I’m a member of Last fall, I had a good time trading Central Park weather futures. IE, the number of inches of snow in Central Park at the end of each month. I liked excercising my statistics skills.

Most people think of Tradesports as a sports book. But wait, there’s more. Insurance companies have a lot in common with gambling houses.

Read this Annoucement I just got from them
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A great time waster

World Marketplace Shopping

My cutting board came with instructions in 18 languages. I’m almost surprised that English was at the top. It cost me $10, 75% less than similar ones I found at Bed Bath and Beyond. And by appearances, it is one of the better and more attractive cutting boards I have owned. The instructions it came with are clear, concise and useful. All hail the Swedes!

My new kitchen table is just about exactly the size I needed, 47″x30″. It’s stylish in it’s simple lines and real wood construction. It’s rather small but it’s a small eat-in kitchen. I’ve been shopping around and I nearly bought a set at Macy’s that wasn’t quite the right size for $750. I found some that were close to right at “Furniture 2000” near my office. But no.

I’d like to find something that totally grabs me but I’m getting tired of shopping, and tired of eating dinner on the edge of my bed. I’m not sure the table I got is exactly what I want, but the Swedes took 85% off the price and sold me a quality eat-in-kitchen table and chair set for $100.

Purchases like this are blowing my budget for shopping for my apartment. I had set aside $6000 (great thanks to my folks) to furnish the place and so far my expenses, top down have been:
$900 bed (that I might get rid of, it’s giving me a back ache)
$400 tableware for 4 (they make me happy :-)
$120 office desk off craigslist (It’s the right size, I can’t think of what more expensive things would replace it)
$100 table and chair set (see above)
$90 overpriced but fabulous santoku kitchen knife (satisfying my kitchen nesting instinct)
.. umm..
$18 cookie sheet
$15 shower hanging thing
You can see where I’m going with this…

My budget is being blown in the other direction. I can’t think of what to spend this money on. Though I still have 2 rugs, a desk chair, some kind of comfy chair and wall art to buy. Four grand for all that stuff? I’m going to have to get like… real art or something. Now I’m seriously thinking about that Sharper Image massage chair too.

Oh and I need a bike (motorized?) but that comes out of the transportation budget and not the housing budget. Maybe Housing will float a bond ;-)

I’m getting a lot of my stuff out of storage tomorrow. We’ll see what that spurns.

How Does the Site Work? Plugin and Mods Rundown

“Lee, you sure use a lot of plugins on your site. Could you give me a list of all of them?”
“Sure thing. I’ll give you the whole rundown..
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