Archive for the ‘Product Reviews’ Category.

How to stop getting so much junk mail

Here’s how to get off junk mail lists

(via) and verified by my research post

I have temporarily removed the post I made on February 29th titled “ is likely a scam”. I have been communicating with the president of the company, Jim Tracy and it so far seems that my impression was founded on the inappropriate actions of just one employee.

I will keep you, dear reader informed as to the outcome of our discussion.

Airborne Homeopathic Remedy: Made by a Teacher so it HAS to be Good… or not

This could have been done better. I mean, the placebo effect DOES work. Trouble is… (via ABCNews)

aireborne.jpg the investigation revealed that Airborne’s clinical trial was conducted by just two people in the absence of a clinic or scientists.

They are settling a lawsuit for $23 million. Monies to be distributed for those stupid enough to that believe this is a preventative and cure for colds.

Now the following took 3 seconds of investigative reporting. Look at the image I snapped of their website today. It says “The famous original formula – created by a school teacher – contains 17 herbs and nutrients…”

The ingredients list:

  • 8 “herbal extract proprietary blend”
  • 2 “amino acids”
  • 8 “other ingredients” are sorbital, citric acid, sodium bicarbonate, orange flavor, mineral oil, acesulfame potasium, sucralose.

If I’ve got my math right, only one of those “other ingredients” isn’t a “nutrient”. Do you think it’s the mineral oil or the orange flavor? Yeah, right.

El Toro has Reopened

The best taqueria in San Francisco has reopened.

el-toro.jpgIt looked like El Toro was gone… it had been boarded up for several months. I spoke to the owner (who also owns Pancho Villa and the building that El Toro is in) the night before they reopened… last Sunday night if I recall correctly. He said they had to do some structural work and it took longer than they anticipated.

I went in a few days after they opened. The owner said they kept 6 employees from the old El Toro… they had been shuttled around to the other restaurant to keep them working. The woman serving me was cutely shy… she didn’t speak English well and I figured out that she was making her very first enchilada. The chef and 2 others on the line were experienced so it wasn’t a terrible experience but it’ll be a while before they’re running smoothly.

Good Free Graph Paper Website

incompetechcom-multiwidth-graph-paper-dbffd3-green-07-01-01_thumb.pngHere is an excellent site to print out whatever graph paper you need. Incompetech graph paper. He’s got ALL kinds of graphpaper there. Regular, mult-width (Engineering), dots, hex, semi-bisected trapezoid, iso-dots, octagonal, hexagonal, variable triangle… yowza!

This is what I created out for sketching out solar installations. To the right is a png of it.

$250 HP Color Laser Printer

hp2605dn1.jpgI just got an HP Color Laserjet 2605dn printer. Wow, the color images come out like photographs. HP is selling them on their website for $250 after a rebate.

As I was recommending to my sister recently…

Don’t buy an inkjet printer, the cost of the ink will kill you over time.

inkjets.pngHP has the guts to tell us how expensive it really is.

With the good HP 99 ink, they says you’ll get 130 4″x6″ photos out of a $25 cartridge. That’s $0.20 per photo for the ink. Multiply that by 4 if you’re printing 8 1/2″ x 11″ = $0.80 per sheet.

For the laser printer, I recently printed 400 8 1/2″x11″ full-color brochures and the toner monitor tells me I’ve used up 20% of the capacity… IE I’ll get 2,000 full-size-full-color copies out of my $250 in color cartridges. That’s $0.12 per sheet.


But wait, there’s more! I can refill my color toner twice before the drum wears out for $80 per refill (I’ve refilled toner before and it takes < 15 minutes) That makes the cost per page for 6,000 full-size-full color pages $0.07 per page.

And if you’re not into refilling cartridges, then listen to this: the HP 2605dn comes with full toner cartridges… That means you get $0.12/sheet color printing out of the box. when the toner is empty, throw the whole printer away and get a new one for the price of toner cartridges. (that isn’t very ecologically minded, is it? No!)

More benefits to color laser printing:

  • Laser toner doesn’t dry out on you like inkjet does. If you don’t use your inkjet printer for a few months, it’ll dry out and you need a new cartridge. It’s happened to me :-(
  • Laser color usually looks better than color ink
  • You can use more types of paper in a laser printer
  • Laser printers tend to jam much less

Oh and did I mention that the HP 2605dn has automatic duplex printing (IE, double sided printing)? Oh and it has ethernet built in too if you wanted a network printer.

Go buy a color laser printer. Tell ’em I sent you.

Vista is a Dog

I just got update:returned a new laptop. It has Windows Vista, mostly because getting Windows XP via Dell would have cost $200 EXTRA. Though I heard last night from Rick L that if you call them on the phone and tell them, “I’m not buying a computer from you if it has Vista”, you can get XP at no additional charge.

I’ve been using Vista for about 1 hr and I’m just about ready to go back to XP. Vista is very pretty. Performance-wise, it makes my 1.9 Ghz dual core processor feel like a 400Mhz PII. It’ll often show you a screen but actually it’s not ready for you to click on it for 3 or 5 or 8 seconds. It’s very frustrating.

And for the security… this is how I feel:

local version:

2-12-08 Followup: I returned the Vista Laptop. Here’s another humorous video on the subject:

“I switched back to XP 3 weeks ago. …So much happier.”

local version:


2-14-08 Followup: Derek points us to this one (original)


Hey will ya look at that. Regseeker actually made my computer a little faster. I had it remove a few thousand unused registry entries and my Windows XP computer got a little faster. I was a bit worried that it would do Very Bad Things to my registry. I made backups and stuff. It’s been a week and so far, no earth-shattering “kaboom” like that accident with the space modulator.

It’s freeware available in many places, including locally.

Good Inexpensive Long Distance Telephone Service

Since 2006 I’ve been using one of those “little” long distance phone companies that you’ve never heard of. I’m very happy with it and can recommend them to you.

They charge 2.5 cents per minute day or night. I haven’t noticed a single problem with them… No dropped called, no fast-busy signals, no poor line quality, no hidden fees, no membership charges. They are just great.

My long distance telephone bill went from $15-20 per month to $4-7 per month.

You should sign up for this long distance telephone service.

I’d appreciate it if, when you try them, you tell them I sent you. I get something like 5% of whatever your phone bill is. Here is how to sign up:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on “Order Now” under “ECG Long Distance”
  3. Enter your info. Please enter my phone number as a referral. It’s 415 – eight two one – 3321.

Their in-state toll rate depends on what state you live in. Look on their website for your state. Some states are inexpensive ( California is 3.9 cents/min) and some are more expensive (Idaho is 14.2 cents/min). I don’t know what competing rates are like in your area so look out for it.

Smoke Screen as Theft Deterrent