Archive for the ‘Product Reviews’ Category.

Food Recommendations

Charlotte and I went to the San Francisco Greek Food Festival in September. We met up with a very nice guy who got us talking about good food in the area. He gave us several restaurant reviews…

Rainbow Pizza in San Mateo has tyropita and possibly galactoburikos (I have no idea how to spell that!)

Emil Villa’s Original Hick’ry Pit in Campbell – has the best bbq sauce. The guy who was talking to us offered to go to the place and mail us a bottle of this elixer! I see there is one in Walnut Creek which is a little closer.

Cafe Rouge in Berkeley was recommended.

Alice’s Restaurant in Noe Valley for the best Chinese food in San Francisco.

Installed Tomato Firmware, Loving it

I installed the Tomato firmware on my WRT54GL about 15 minutes ago. I was clenching my teeth, preparing for a long slog through the trenches of firmwaredom but I got a very pleasant  surprise!

Installation was:

  1. download
  2. install firmware
  3. set the SSID and password

I was up in 5 minutes! W00t!

Now I’m wandering through the configuration and it all “just works”. I am very happy. I think I might have to make a donation to the project.

The main reason I needed to upgrade was that the Linksys firmware has this asinine problem: you can open specific ports in the firewall for services like FTP and VNC but you can’t set static DHCP IP addresses with the server, you’ve got to muck with the client computer’s settings. That is dumb. All the open source firmware does it, DD-WRT, Open-WRT etc… but Tomato promised to do it EASILY. And it succeeded.

5 stars for Tomato!

Robert Cameron’s Large Scale Photography at the Metreon

Last night Charlotte and I went to the Metreon to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. I really really enjoyed the movie but more on that in another post.

SFoceanbeachThe Metreon is a curious place. As we walked through it last night we alternately got the feeling the place was struggling, up-and-coming, deserted, and the weird sense that we were in the Zocalo in Babylon 5. On an upper level, in place of I don’t remember what, is a live theater showing Point Break Live, a quirky theatrical production. Downstairs where the Sony Store used to be is an art gallery showing the works of Robert Cameron. There was one guy at the entrance and a sign requesting a $5 donation. We had time before the movie and thought it was quirky enough so we went in. We asked, “You don’t mind if we go in without paying, do you? We promise we won’t get too much enjoyment out of the art.” He consented and we roamed the space. Yes, his art is taking up the entire 4,000 square feet of where the Sony Store used to be, wow. The person in front said how Mr Cameron was 98 years old and in poor health. We wandered around.

SFggbridgeThe art is engrossing reality. A 4’x4′ print of the side of a mountain cliff, after gazing for a while, you can finally make out 3 tiny climbers scaling the vertical cliff. A beautiful and odd looking marina shot from above with vivid colors; the artist statement points out that 3 nuclear submarines, the most powerful weapons man has ever created are shown floating in the docks. A joyous 4’x4′ image of the Transamerica Building shot from almost directly above is sitting on the floor of the gallery, making you feel like you are flying above it.

There are many more images of San Francisco, large nature scenes and others. It’s really a very good show.

I send my best regards to Robert Cameron.robertcameron

On our way out, we told the person at the front that we had exceeded our happiness quotient for a free show and we both chipped in $5.

The show will be at the Metreon til March 2010.

Links for Robert Cameron.

I get my facts from, seriously

It’s like education, only with way more profanity.

I just read this article about dictionary words and darn it if I didn’t learn something while laughing my deceptively large balls off (inside joke, sorry).

I love that despite the crass language and insane sounding examples, their articles are really very well researched. You can laugh and learn through the entirety of their articles.

Just a couple great articles…

There, you’re smarter now. Good. Repeat as needed.

For Love Of Rotary Head Razors

Scatman Dan was talking about “Open Source Shaving” and I had to chime in on my shaving experiences.razor_blade

I was in college. I was getting ready to go out to a very fancy dinner with my girlfriend. I spent extra time in the bathroom lathering and shaving extra close, put on a nice suit and went over to her place. She welcomed me at the door, gave me a kiss, brushing her cheek against mine and immediately pulled back, saying sternly, “Didn’t you even shave?” The next day I went out and bought an electric razor, a Norelco 5825 XL rotary shaver.

My dad had previously shown me his old “bar” electric shaver and I was unimpressed. It pulled at my hair and didn’t do a very good job, leaving some hairs even after several passes. But I had this image in my mind of that claymation santa claus riding the rotating blades through the snow, apparently giving Norelco razors to all the good little girls and boys, and that serious voice repeating, “Shaves as close as a blade or your money back.” I was not disappointed.

I have a rough scratchy beard. I switched to a Norelco rotary head electric razor (Norelco 5825 XL) in 1990 and have NEVER looked back. Shaving takes under 2  minutes (yes, really, I timed it this morning), is closer than any blade I’d used (girlfriend confirmed), and in 19 years (wow, I’m getting old) hasn’t cut me once. I can shave in the car and the built-in trimmer attachment is convenient to cut down nose and ear hair. I bought an extra razor for the car and haven’t spent a penny on blades in all that time. My first expense, last month I spent $10 replacing the rechargable batteries in both razors. I hope to get another 10 years out of them though I’ll grant that one of the razor’s motors now seems to be failing.

Caveats: It shaves poorly when my beard is wet: right out of the shower or when I’m sweating, so it is a poor choice if you live in a hot climate with no air conditioning; when I was on a trip to such a place, I had to time my shaving carefully to after my face dried and before I started sweating.  If I haven’t shaved in 3 days, shaving is “ouchy” because it pulls the hairs but it hasn’t ever hurt or redden my skin. The first week I used it (19 years ago) it was uncomfortable to use but I was fine after that. Mine cost about $90 in 1990, I see ones on Amazon for about the same today. The only required features I see in a rotary shaver is that it’s rechargable and has built in trimmers.

For usage instructions, with a blade, you touch each part of your face once but with an electric, you  rub the razor over your whiskers quickly many times. It’s a totally different but you’ll get the hang of it quickly.

I got my dad a newer Norelco 8140XL razor in 2006. I played with it a bit and I’m “fairly” happy with the gift. Mine from 19 years ago is frankly a better model but his gives just as good a shave.  Read my letter to Norelco about their 8140XL shaver.

Kinder Surpise Eggs Are Awesome

KinderEggEvery now and then I get a Kinder Surprise Egg… or “Kinder-Ãœberraschung” from this little German store I know of. They completely totally rock! Charlotte with her German background first introduced them to me. If you ever get the chance to get or give one, do so!

They are like Cracker Jacks, only the “secret toy  surprise  in the pack” is fantastic instead of kinda sucky.  Everyone likes chocolate.  Whenever I mention them to Germans, they dismissively say, “Oh, those are just for children.” But when I gave one to our waiter at Walzwerk in San Francisco, her eyes lit up like a little girl at Christmas. :-)

I’ve Always Loved Hearts of Space

I just got myself a subscription to Hearts of Space. I’ve been listening to HoS for… well, forever. I very fondly remember them airing at midnight Sunday nights or somesuch in Boston in the late 80’s.

And of course I got a thrill when Stephen Hill opened a show with something like “Greetings from San Francisco”. I looked it up and he lives in San Rafael, just over the Golden Gate Bridge :-)

Why did I wait so long to get a subscription? Why?

2-D Physics Simulators

I’ve played with a couple super-fun 2 dimensional physics simulators. I just wanted to jot down the sites for myself… and yourself.



Update 2020: I built this chain clock in 2009 and just found the old image. I saw that someone built it in 2020

ECG Telephone Service

I am very happy with this local & long distance phone company. I’ve had them for over 3 years without a single problem. Rates are 2.5 ¢/minute interstate and 3.9 ¢/minute within California.

How to sign up:

  1. go to
  2. click “Order now”
  3. give them my phone number in the “I was referred by” field 415 – eight two one -3321

I’ve mentioned them before.

Fixed: Gray Haze After Adding Toner Laser Printer

printing gray

Update: I haven’t fixed the problem. Read on…

A little while ago I bought an ink toner refill for my HP Laserjet color printer. Right after adding more black toner, every sheet had a gray haze. I googled around but found no solid solution, it might have been that the toner formulation was wrong for my printer but it wasn’t definite. I wrote to the folks who sold me the toner but they couldn’t help.

It turns out that, apparently, I had overfilled the cartridge. After printing maybe 100 pages, pages stopped coming out gray. :-)

So don’t overfill your laser printer cartridges like I did!

I hope that some wayward toner refilling soul finds this message and their suffering is eased.

I bought the toner from an eBay seller, “printdealsmontreal”. The 3 colors + black toner refill cost $70 or so while new cartridges would have cost more than $200. I’m now quite happy with their product.