Archive for the ‘Other Sources’ Category.

Dell burns my butt

Recently seen on Dell’s site

Purchase ONLINE:
Any Dimension desktop over $549 (before tax & mail-in rebate)

FREE (3-5 Day) Shipping! (a $80 value; $19 Handling Charge applies)

So if I have this right, it’s free… except that it’s not.

Coldforged in rare form

Coldforged in rare form:

Coldforged on Grand Theft Auto’s sex scene.

What was little Suzie doing with a Mature labeled game anyway? This isn’t like buying Spongebob Squarepants’ Underwater Adventure and unlocking a secret “SPONGEBOB SLIPPERY SLIDING SODOMY” minigame. The GTA series is all about beating and killing cops and pedestrians, banging hookers and killing them afterward and doing essentially as many virtual illegal things as you can fit in a day. But, someone figures out there’s sex in the game and people lose their skulls.

And more

Finally, someone is launching an investigation into that patently obscene millisecond shot of Janet Jackson’s mostly-obscured nipple during the Super Bowl. I’m so glad that someone is thinking of the irreparable harm that this brief pseudo-nudity caused.

Oh! Did anyone catch that CSI episode where the dog carries home a decapitated human head, and the dog got sick because it ate part of the head?! That was awesome!

Yeah! I saw that episode too! I remember, the killer drugged and then buried some poor sot up to his neck and tortured him all night before killing him! Frickin’ awsome! DDOS story

I’ve always loved this story. (local version).

I first read it a while back but I wanted to share it with you.

It’s the story of how a 13 year old hacker knocked Steve Gibson’s website off the internet and how he tracked the kid down. The story goes into very fine technical detail but Steve writes it all with such clarity that anyone can read and understand it.

Pat Tillman

Yeah, I’m like a year behind on this but jeez doesn’t this make for a PR credibility liability for The Pentagon.

Pat Tillman friendly fire

Lightning’s cool, huh, huh

More Arcs ‘n Sparks including the NEW record holder for the world’s biggest Jacob’s Ladder.

Thanks to the crew on JWZ’s blog for an amazing show.

engineering pornography

Russian spammer murdered

Russian spammer murdered
John Leyden, The Register 2005-07-26

Notorious Russian spammer Vardan Kushnir was found bludgeoned to death in his Moscow apartment on Sunday. He was killed by repeated blows to the head, Russian news agency Interfax reports…

Students for Orwell

The only two certainties in the world

From a Thinkgeek emailed ad. And it’s true…

…There are only two certainties in this world: ninjas are totally sweet, and zombies are out to get you…

Unearthing a (not-so) Ancient Tome

From BBC News

Digital Domesday book unlocked
A rich digital archive of British life in the 1980s has been brought back to life by researchers from the UK and the US.

The team at Leeds University and the University of Michigan in the US say they have now found a way to access this rich digital archive.

They have developed software that emulates the obsolete Acorn Microcomputer system and the video disc player.

By contrast, the original Domesday Book, an inventory of England compiled in 1086 by Norman monks, is in fine condition in the Public Record Office in Kew, London

It’s easy to understand but still remarkable that it can be harder to get at 25 year old data than 1,000 year old data.

Fine Appraisal Site: What’s it Worth To

I recently had a Modigliani painting appraised by an agent at I’m very happy with how well the item was appraised. It was a very knowledgeable response and on the parts that the appraiser wasn’t (and couldn’t) be sure about, she referred me to other excellent sources.

$20 didn’t get me a perfect appraisal but it got me a LONG way along the road. Sotheby’s and Christy’s wouldn’t discuss it for less than 4 figures.