Archive for the ‘Other Sources’ Category.
Being in the rockin’ christmas spirit, I present this excellent application of The Trans Siberian Orchestra‘s music.
An astounding Christmas lighting display set to music
(sorry, removed to protect bandwidth.)
(This local 5 MB copy will only be held online for a short time to protect my bandwith limit. Googling for “Wizards of Winter”or “Wizards_of_Winter___SM.wmv” should find it)
When you are at a public access terminal, it’s very possible that a keylogger is sniffing your keyboard. But sometimes it’s just so convenient that you have to use one of these machines anyway. To try and beat it, do the following:
1 Open notepad
2 Type part of your password in the password window
3 Using the mouse, go to the notepad window
4 Type some nonsense characters
5 Using the mouse, return to the password window
Repeat steps 2-5 a few times.
Make sure that the password window doesn’t show your password on the screen because bad people might have put a program on your computer that takes screenshots every few seconds.
(tip from Security Now Podcast, Episode 17)
– Catch fish
– Slice fish (note that “kill” did not occur in this progression)
– Eat fish while it pleads for you with it’s eyes to finish it off.
(Kevin Rose’s sushi experience)
Update 1-24-10: Ok, if you thought the “300 things” list below was good, here’s
1575 things Mr. Welch can no longer do during an RPG!!!
CAUTION: If your sides begin to hurt while reading this, stop immediately! and come back tomorrow!
I stole this list.
(thanks to Dave for pointing it out to me)
Continue reading ‘300 things Mr. Welch can no longer do during an RPG’ »
If you haven’t heard of it, Lazyweb is a cool. Check it out.
I just went to pay a parking ticket and I ran into this rigged survey on San Francisco’s city web site.

You’ll notice two things. First, the “Highly Valuable” radio button is already pre-clicked for me. That was considerate of them, wasn’t it? Second, notice that two of the three options are positive. That’s like saying, “Using only the numbers 3, 7, or 10, rate our service on a scale from 1 to 10.”
I haven’t tried it yet but I just dig the idea of a completely portable yet stylish loveseat that fits easily in the trunk of your car with lots of room to spare. (and < $40 new!)